Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: School and The New Guy

Today was the day that learning jail, or school, as normal people call it.

I walked downstairs in my hoody and my dark black skinny jeans. I grabbed my sneakers, put them on and grabbed my keys along with my bag. I head to my car and drive to school, blasting 'Bring Me To Life' by Evanesence. I pull into the school, walk out, and well, here goes nothing.

Everyone is staring at this guy. I had never seen him before, but he seems...different.

He walks starit up to the first person he sees; me. I probably burn his eyeballs or he probably will get sick over my repulsive face and just bolt, but I got one reaction I had never expected...a smile.

"Uh, hey. I'm Harry," He started. I cleared my throught. "I'm Alexa." I told him. He smirked. "Cool. Well, I'm new and um, I just wanted to know if you could show me around?" he asked, nervously. "Sure," i replied, simply.

He looked fimiliar. He had brown, luscious curls, gorgeous deep green eyes, had a deep voice, and was very fit. He had a british accent like me.

We walked into the school, still with all eyes on us. Harry, however was looking a bit red. "What do you have for first period?" I asked. "Mrs. Johnson?" he guessed. He looked at his scedule and nodded. I smirked. "Me too," I said, "Yay, at least I will know someone!" he laughed. I started to laugh too but then, something caught my eye; Brooklyn, the school's 'mean girl'.

I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him into the nearest janitor's closet. "What? What's wrong?" he questioned. "Brooklyn." I replied. He looked confused and I pulled him to the door and made him look out the small window. "That's Brooklyn. She is terrible. I responded. "Does she bully you?" he asked, shocked. "Um, maybe a little, but dont mess with her. She is trouble and a total diva," I inform him. "Physically bullied?' he asked, getting angry. I was scared, nervous, and confused. Why would he want to know? He was worried for me? Something sanpped me out of my thoughts when I got a terrible, repulsive wet dog smell. I look up at Harry and he had his head down, breathing sorta funny. "Harry? Are you ok?" I ask, a little worried. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," he stuttered. I tried to look at his face but it was too dark in here. "We should probably get going to class." I suggested. He nodded and we started to class.

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