Chapter 4

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After we came out of the movie, we decided to go do something fun, and by the looks of it, it was between coffee and icecream.

Harry and I were on the floor, tackling each other, arguing over whether or not we should go get icecream or coffee.

"No, Harry! I want coffee!" I scream, climbing on top of him agressively. "That sucks! We are gonna get icecream!" He says in between grunts, attempting to get me to get off of him, but I was determind. I was gonna get that coffee, one way or another. "Alexa! Get off! Please! Ugh! If you dont get off-" I interupted him by smashing our lips together. This felt so wrong and weird, but so right and sweet. I pulled away, and he groaned. "Do I get the coffee NOW?" I smirked, knowing I had won. But then, in the middle of my happy momment, I was flipped over, now Harry was on top of ME. Oh no.

"Nope. I like my icecream!" Harry said in a babyish voice. I laughed and tried to move my arms, but they were, sadly, in Harry's grip. "Ugh! Fine. I give up. YOU WIN." I say, defeated. Harry smiled, kissed the top of my head, as he always did, and started jumping around like a four year old who had just won a giant chocolate bar. "WHOOO HOOOO!" He screams, pulling me up fast. "Poop you." I said, sadly. I am not in the mood for icecream. But whatever 'floats his boat'.

We got into the car and Harry sped off into the street. "Harry! Gosh dang it! If I get killed, it will most likely be because of YOUR driving!" I screamed, terrified. Harry just laughed, and in no time, we were at the icecream parlor. I went to open the door, but it was locked. "Harry, can you unlock the door?" I ask. I got no responce. I looked at him, and he was starring at me, creepily. "I need to get you back on what you did at the house." He said creepily, then I see his hand go up, and he puts it on my chin, and his other hand behind my back. He leans in, to meet his lips to mine, deeply.

I dont really know how I should feel about this but.. I think I like Harry.. as more than a friend...


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