🐾Chapter Five🐾

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Sandkit stared in awe at Skylight as she took in her words. She never new that Skylight would ever chose her for such a mission.

A mission that would be... hard. Very hard. She would have to sneak into BrokenClan's camp. The heart of their territory. The safe haven for them. The place of their world, their... life. Not to mention she would be alone, not with any other cat with her. To help her to succeed in her mission.

"Come, Sandkit. It is time for your Paw ceremony." She got up from her sitting position and flicked her tail for Sandkit to follow as she walked outside the den. "All cats old enough to run the moors gather under center rock." She called.

Most cats were already there, talking about the disappearance of Flyingkit. Duskpelt and Flowerfur stalked out of the Infancy with their sons slowly tumbling out behind them.

"Where's Flyingkit?" Skullkit asked his parents. When they didn't answer he whimpered. "Is F-flyingk-kit okay?" He asked, suddenly he looked scared. Still they didn't answer, though Flowerfur looked like she had just swallowed a frog whole.

Which, she had seen happen before when Flyingfur had been talking to Glidingwisp and he had been so annoyed that he had grabbed a frog and shoved it down his throat. Though, that had made him throw up mostly.

But Flowerfur hadn't thrown up. She was sad that her kit was gone.

"Mine Clan!" Skylight meowed over the loud meowing of her Clan. 

Soarheart yowled over them. "Shut it! Let Skylight speak!" He growled.

As the voices died down Skylight thanked Soarheart. "Thank you Soarheart," She meowed. "It is now time to make Sandkit a Paw." Gasps came from her Clanmates and made Sandkit look down at her paws. Skylight looked on, ignoring her Clanmates disapproval. "She is now of five moons," She meowed, trying to convince her Clanmates that she was doing the right thing. "Sandkit, step forward." Her gaze was on her as she lifted her head to look up at Skylight. She got up from where she sat and moved toward the bottom of the rock. As she sat, the gazes of her Clanmates rested on her, staring accusingly at her. "Sandkit, from this moment thee shall be known as Sandpaw, until thee shall be given your warrior name, this is what thee shall be called. And I Skylight, shall be thy mentor."

* * *

Flyingkit was carried into the BrokenClan camp. Why did they take her? It didn't seem to be because her Clan was taking prey from their territory. But what was the reason they took her?

Inside, sandstone walls towered above them, a rock jutted out of the wall. Many tunnels lined the walls, each deep, and dark. Into one of these tunnels she found herself being carried, helpless, into the gloom.

"Where are you taking me?" She mewed to the cat whom clamped her scruff in his jaws. He grunted, unable to speak with her fur in his mouth.

"It's nothing to be afraid of." The other cat spoke. "What's your name?"

She hesitated before meowing: "Flyingkit."

"Adorable name." The she-cat mewed, more exciting she added: "We're almost there."

They turned into a large cavern with rocks coming down from the seiling and from the floor of the sandstone cave. Cats were gathered around a large white tom in the middle of the cave whom looked up when he saw them enter.

"Sliteyes, Blacktail?" He sounded surprised when he mewed. He stiffened when he saw what was in the black tomcat's mouth. "What is the meaning of this?" His mew sounded stern.

It's as if he didn't know what was going on. Didn’t he send them to capture me? She wondered.

Blacktail's grip only tightened at his words, making her squeak in pain. His Clanmate, Sliteyes, spoke. "I-I found the ware abouts of my kit." She mewed.

Flyingkit's mouth dropped open. Sliteyes wasn't her mother, Flowerfur was. She couldn't think I'm...? The only cat she could think she was meowing about would be... Sandkit. But, how? How was this dirty BrokenClan she-cat Sandkit's mother?

"You mean the kit I told you not to look for?" He asked.

The she-cat shuffled her paws on the sandstone floor. "Yes." Her mew was barely audible.

"Then why did you look for her?" The tom yowle

"Because I nee-"

Her mew was cut off by Flyingkit whome yowled at the she-cat. " I am not your daughter! I never have been!" Shock spread through the cavern, Blacktail also dropped her in his surprise, the tomcat's face was wide eyed, and all the room was staring at her. "Do you understand?" She questioned.

"Yes, I think I do." The she-cat mewed, "You think that I'm not your mother because another cat took care of you."

Flyingkit gaped at her in disbelief. How is this she-cat so dumb? She thought, Well, it seems like she's not going to let me leave... is she?

The white tom walked through the gathered cats and over to Flyingkit and his Clanmates. He sighed before meowing. "What's your name, kit?" He asked.

"I'll answer if you answer your question first." She mewed.

The tomcat gave another long sigh. "Very well," He mewed, "I am Brokenquail, leader of BrokenClan. Welcome. Now, what is your name?"

She stared in disbelief at him for a moment before remembering his question. "F-flyingkit. My name is Flyingkit." She meowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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