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They were walking towards Orm's doorway, Orm was still holding her hand and Lingling swore to god that if all she ever had in life was to be able to hold this woman's hand, she would willingly accept.

Orm turned to her then and said "I really had a good time today."

"You did?" Lingling asked

"Yes I did." Orm replied.

"I had a good time too" Lingling said.

They stared at one another for a moment. Lingling opened her mouth to say something

"You're gonna ask if you can kiss me, aren't you?" Orm said.

"What? No. Never. I wouldn't" Lingling said instantly and it caused Orm to laugh again.

Orm stepped forward, closing the space between them

"You know... you did open up a lot today..." Orm said.

"I did" Lingling agreed

"And you were really sweet, and really honest, and so caring..." Orm said

"I was" Lingling nodded softly, her gaze distracted now and then by Orm's lips.

"I think you deserve a reward for it..." Orm said, leaning in close to Lingling's face

"Wait what? You're really doing it?" Lingling asked, her eyes wide, her whole body alert.

"Close your eyes" Orm said softly, with a smile so devious, Lingling just knew this was gonna be another prank, just another way Orm liked to tease her.

"Nah, you're not gonna do it, you're just gonna break my heart all over..." Lingling was saying

Even before Lingling could finish the sentence, she felt Orm's lips press against the corner of her lips,

Lingling felt her knees lose all functionality she swore she would have fallen had she not held on to Orm in that moment, her hands caught onto her waist and lightly squeezed, the air in her lungs emptied out and she had to take a huge breath in

Orm's lips were soft against her skin, they lingered there, a soft kiss to the cheek, that was so close to her lips, it was almost like a ghost of a kiss.

"Goodnight Lingling " Orm whispered against Lingling's lips and Lingling wanted to taste her, feel that breath again so close to her lips.

When Lingling opened her eyes, Orm was already halfway through her door, and the smile on her face was gorgeous.

"Goodnight Orm" Lingling said with a hopeful smile on her face. Once she was sure Orm was inside, she turned around and then did a fist pump.

If anyone saw Lingling walking over to her motorcycle parked by the road, they would say there was an unusual hop in her step.


Orm had just entered her kitchen and poured herself a glass of cold water when she heard a knock on her door.

Was that Lingling ? Did she forget something?

She walked on over, and peered through the peephole. It was her. She quickly opened the door.

"Hi, did you forget something?" Orm asked.

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