minho x jisung x seungmin part 5

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Jisung was stunned by Minho's actions, his eyes wide with shock. He looked at Seungmin, who was still dazed from the slap, and then at Minho, who was trying to pull his arm free from Hope's grasp.*

Minho didn't respond, just glared at Seungmin, his chest heaving with anger.

Hope stepped between them, her grip on Minho's wrist tightening. "Enough," she said firmly. "You have no right to hit Seungmin like that. And he doesn't owe you an explanation for needing space."

*Minho tried to wrench his wrist free again, but Hope held on tightly. She was smaller than him, but she was strong and determined. Jisung just stood there, watching the scene play out like a spectator.*

Minho finally gave up, shaking his head in frustration. "You don't understand," he hissed at Hope.

Minho then look at seungmin and said " we aren't friends no more "

Seungmin flinched at the coldness in Minho's voice and the finality of his words. They had been friends for years, through thick and thin, and now it felt like that bond was broken in an instant.

Minho finally managed to break free of Hope's grasp and stormed towards the door. Jisung looked at Seungmin and then at Minho's retreating back, uncertainty etched on his face.

He took a step towards the door, but then paused, looking back at Seungmin one last time. There was something in his eyes, a mix of confusion and regret, before he spun around and followed Minho out of the apartment.

The door slammed shut behind them, leaving Seungmin and Hope alone in the silence. Seungmin's hand was still on his cheek, the heat of the slap still lingering.

Hope then sigh and said " go find the med kit let me help you with that"

Seungmin nodded silently, the shock of what just happened still fresh in his mind. He headed to the bathroom and rummaged through the medicine cabinet, finding the med kit and bringing it back to Hope.

*Hope took the kit and gestured for Seungmin to sit down. She opened the kit, pulled out some antiseptic and a bandage.* 

Carefully, she dabbed the antiseptic onto Seungmin's cheek, gently cleaning the area where the slap had left a red mark

Couple days later seungmin went back to the dorm and he saw bangchan

Seungmin's heart raced as he approached the dorm, his nerves on edge. It had been a few days since the argument with Minho and Jisung at Hope's place, and he was dreading seeing them again.

As he entered the dorm, he was surprised to see Bang Chan sitting on the couch.

Bang Chan looked up as Seungmi entered, a warm smile on his face.*

"Hey Seungmin," he greeted, patting the spot next to him on the couch. "Come sit down. We need to talk."

Seungmin swallowed nervously, wondering what Bang Chan wanted to talk about. He hesitantly took a seat next to him, his hands gripping the edge of the cushion. He tried to hide the fact that his cheek was still slightly red from where Minho had slapped him.

Bang Chan studied him for a moment, his expression growing serious. "I heard about the fight between you, Minho, and Jisung," he said gently.

Seungmin looked away, feeling a wave of shame and guilt wash over him. "Yeah, it was...pretty bad," he admitted quietly.

Bang Chan nodded, his gaze never leaving Seungmin's face. "Yeah, I bet it was," he said softly. "But I need to ask you something, okay?"

Seungmin braced himself, wondering what Bang Chan was going to ask. He nodded silently, ready to face whatever question was coming.

Bang Chan took a deep breath and said, "Can you tell me what happened? I know Minho and Jisung's side of the story, but I want to hear your perspective."

Seungmin hesitated, unsure if he should share the truth. He didn't want to make things worse, but he knew Bang Chan deserved an explanation. He took a deep breath and began to tell Bang Chan about what happened at Hope's place, leaving out the part about his feelings for Jisung and Minho. He just told him about needing space and how things blew up between them.

Bang Chan listened intently, his eyebrows furrowing as he absorbed Seungmin's words. When Seungmin finished speaking, there was a moment of silence as Bang Chan processed what he had heard.

Finally, he spoke again, his voice thoughtful, "I see. I'm sorry that happened, Seungmin. It's clear that you needed space and time to figure things out. Minho and Jisung shouldn't have reacted the way they did. But I think they were hurt and confused by your sudden distance. They care about you, you know."

Seungmin nodded, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew Bang Chan was right. He had been unfairly distant and dismissive of them without really explaining anything. But it was too late to take back his actions now.

As Minho and Jisung walked back into the dorm, they stopped dead when they saw Seungmin sitting on the couch with Bang Chan. The anger and frustration from their last encounter with Seungmin were still fresh in their minds.

Minho's gaze flicked from Seungmin to Bang Chan, his expression hardening. Jisung looked equally tense, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

Seungmin then said to bangchan " I be in my room hope wanted to show me what she learn today also tell me who u like later "

Bang Chan nodded, sensing the tension in the room. He patted Seungmin on the back as he got up to go to his room.

Minho and Jisung watched as Seungmin walked away, their gazes still fixed on his retreating back. Once he was out of sight, Minho turned to Bang Chan, his voice filled with frustration.

"What was he doing here?"

Bangchan then got back on his book and said " he still lives here and he didn't get kicked out of Stray kids"

Bang Chan looked at Minho, his expression firm. "Talking to me. And I'm glad he did. I got to hear his side of the story," he replied, his tone calm but firm.

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