hyunmin 😥💖

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Hyunjin watched Seungmin laugh with the other members, his heart aching. He had secretly harbored feelings for Seungmin for years.

But Hyunjin knew it was futile. Seungmin saw him as just a friend, a brother.

One night, as they prepared for bed, Seungmin approached Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, can I talk to you?"

Hyunjin's pulse quickened, hoping against hope. "Of course, Min."

Seungmin's voice barely above a whisper. "I'm going to audition for a solo project. If I get in, I'll have to leave Stray Kids."

Hyunjin's world crumbled. Losing Seungmin would shatter his heart.

He forced a smile. "You'll do great, Min. I'll support you."

Seungmin hugged him tightly. "Thanks, Hyunjin. You're my rock."

As they parted, Hyunjin's tears fell silently. He might lose his chance to confess, to be with Seungmin.

Days passed, and Seungmin's audition loomed closer. Hyunjin struggled to maintain his smile, hiding his despair.

The night before the audition, Seungmin found Hyunjin in the dorm's rooftop garden. "Hey, Hyunjin. Can we talk?"

Hyunjin's heart sank, sensing finality. "What is it, Min?"

Seungmin's eyes shone with determination. "If I get in, I'll make sure to come back and visit often. You'll be okay, right?"

Hyunjin forced a nod, his voice cracking. "Y-yeah, Min. I'll be fine."

Seungmin hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Hyunjin. You're my best friend."

As they parted, Hyunjin's tears spilled over. This might be their last moment together.

The next day, Seungmin left for his audition. Hyunjin watched him go, feeling lost and alone.

Days turned into weeks, and Seungmin's absence weighed heavily on Hyunjin. Rehearsals felt hollow, meals tasted bland.

One evening, while scrolling through his phone, Hyunjin stumbled upon a voice message from Seungmin.

"Hyunjin, I miss you so much. I got in, but it doesn't feel right without you. Come visit me soon, okay?"

Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat. Seungmin's voice, usually full of energy, sounded melancholic.

He immediately booked a train ticket to Seoul, eager to reunite.

As he arrived at Seungmin's new apartment, Hyunjin's nerves fluttered. What would Seungmin say about his feelings?

The door opened, and Seungmin's smile lit up. "Hyunjin! You're here!"

Hyunjin's doubts dissipated in Seungmin's warm embrace.

As Hyunjin settled into Seungmin's apartment, they shared stories of their time apart. Seungmin's eyes sparkled, but Hyunjin sensed a hint of sadness.

"Min, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked, concern etched on his face.

Seungmin hesitated before speaking. "I realized being apart from you... it hurts. I miss our late-night talks, our laughter."

Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat. "I miss those too, Min."

Seungmin's gaze locked onto Hyunjin's. "I never thought I'd say this, but... I think I might be lonely without you because... I have feelings for you, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin's world stopped. Did he just hear what he thought he did?

"Feelings?" Hyunjin repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

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