He Finds You Crying In The Shower

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"Y/N? Are you okay?"
She looks up at Seonghwa "I just needed a moment."
"I understand. But how did that lead to you sitting in the shower as you cried?"
"Work was stressful, and I thought a hot shower could be helpful."
"But you are still fully clothed?" Seonghwa questions.
"I am
Not sure what overcame me..I just-" your voice broke.
"Oh no, Y/N, no no..I'm sorry."
Seonghwa turns off the water "Come here sweetie." He sits on the edge of the tub as Y/N sits between his legs "We will sit here as long as you need. I am not leaving."
"You will get your clothes wet!" She argued "That is why we have a dryer. Want to help me understand what went wrong earlier today?"
Seonghwa brushed Y/N's hair.
"I was the only person who could mot think of a pitch for our slogan. As the only woman, I am seen as less, especially now. I could hear the group of men, the favorited, criticizing my attempts. I had to walk past and act as if I did just did not hear them pointing out the errors of my presentation." 
"I'm sorry. They do not understand how hard of a worker that you are. Or they would not have hired you. I believe in you, and the future works that you will be showing them! Do not become discouraged."

"Why am I following blood up the stairs? Are you okay?"
Hongjoong opened the door "Y/N?"
"I skinned my knee.. I was chased by a dog." Y/N removed the rag from her knee "It was gushing." She explains.
"Oh that does not look good. Here here. Let me help."
Hongjoong reaches for another washcloth. He washes out the wound causing Y/N to flinch "I know, it is painful. In the cupboard is disinfection which I can help apply if you need help."
Y/N turned off the water "I will need help. Please Hongjoong."
Hongjoong shakes the bottle before removing the cap "Are you ready?"
Y/N wads a corner of the towel into her mouth "Ready." She nodded her head.
"Here it goes." Hongjoon sprayed the liquid "Stop fussing, it will not help."
"It hurts!" Y/N removed the towel "I cannot just accept the pain."
"You did so well. Here. Let me get a bandaid."
Hongjoon returned with a plastic bandaid "I think this will cover the wound." He pats dry the effected area "This part should not hurt. Please stay still."

"Y/N? Are you still showering?" Yunho knocked on the door "Yes Yunho."
"Are you okay? Can I come in?"
"No need Yunho."
Yunho entered the bathroom "Y/N? Why are you crouched over?"
"My cramps hurt." She admitted. "Why are you sitting on the tub floor?"
"I could not stand up anymore. It feels as my legs have given out." She explained.
Yunho frowned at her "How about I start a real bubble bath for you?
He turns off the shower, instead turning on the faucet "I hear mint helps with cramps."
Y/N sat in the bathtub as it continues to fill up.

"Here. Press this on your tummy." Yunho passes over a warm washcloth. Y/N leans back in the bathtub with the washcloth against her "Would you like a couple midol's?"
"Yours are the best, yes, please. Thank you."
Yunho sits next to Y/N as he hums in her ear, kissing her neck at each cramp "Will the medicine begin to make you feel better soon?"
"Hopefully." She closes her eyes and leans forward "Do you need the washcloth warmed again?"
"If you could for me. Yes, please."
"I will be back momentarily. Close your eyes and picture you are somewhere else."
"I am in America."

Yeosang follows the sound of the running water. He sits on the bed as he unties his shoes, laying on his back against the bed Yeosang waits for Y/N to finish her shower. Sitting up, Yeosang knocked on the door "Y/N?"
"Yeosang! Why are you home so soon?"
"It is half past seven." Yeosang mentioned "I am coming in."
"No, no-"
Yeosang walked in "Y/N! Why are you on the floor! Did you slip?"
"No... yes." She admitted.
"Oh, okay, well here. Let me help you."
Yeosang turns off the water "Did you hurt yourself?"
Y/N shakes her head "No, I just could not get up because of the slippery floor." She points to the slippery floor "I forgot to add the rubber mat. And now I fell." Her eyes water "How can I be so foolish! I am lucky to have not hurt myself."
"Yes, you are lucky. But here. Cover yourself."
Yeosang covers Y/N with the towel as she begins to dry herself.
"Can you stand now?" Yeosang wondered.
Y/N nodded "I will need help."
He scoops her up, princess style "Clumsy girl." He shakes his head.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" San opens the bathroom door "Sweetheart?"
San approaches the shower "Oh no, hey, are you okay? Wait! I will call for help!" San shouts.
"Huh! What! What is wrong Sannie? I was sleeping so well. For the first time."
San sits on his knees "You were only sleeping? Oh god, I thought you had passed out. I know this sickness is effecting you."
"I am okay, I began to feel tired. So I slid to the floor. And then you found me."
"How about we get you out of the shower and into bed. You should be warm and comfortable."
"Can I wear one of your hoodies?"
"One is one the bed for you already. Come on, let me help you up."
Y/N puts her hands into San's, who guides her up "I have medicine for you. And water. And you have me. The very best person to cuddle."

"Y/N? Are you home?"
Mingi knocked on the door "Mingi?" Was questioned.
He opened the door "Hi baby. I thought you were working late. None of the lights were on. What are you doing?"
"Just sitting down Mingi. I am not hurt. Sitting down felt like the best idea."
Mingi kisses her head "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." She reassured. "It just..my feet hurt from my high heels and sitting down seems to make them feel better."
"I can give them a massage." Mingi winks.
"I think I will stick with the water. But I will keep the massage offer for a different date. Thank you Mingi."

Y/N stumbled into the bathroom. In the mirror she could see two versions of herself "Double trouble." She giggled. With a hand on the sink Y/N attempts to balance herself.
"I just need to sit down. I will then feel better."

"Tell me what happened."
Y/N wipes her eyes "Too much.. I took one shot."
"Only one shot? Are you sure?"
"Okay..more than one. I don't feel good." Y/N brings her knees into her chest. Wooyoung kisses her head "I bet that you do not." He sympathizes.
"My stomach hurts, like it it burning. Is that normal?"
"Have you gotten sick?"
Y/N shakes her head "No. is that what the feeling is?"
"Most likely. Here. Let's get you ready for a hangover tomorrow. Let me help you up."
Wooyoung assists Y/N to her feet "Woo? I need to-" Y/N leans into the shower to vomit "There it is." Wooyoung pats her back.
"Gross Woo." She cried.
"It will be okay. I am here sweetie."

Jongho follows the sound of whimpering into the bathroom "Y/N?" He questions.
"J-Jongho?" You hiccuped.
"It's me. Why are you sitting on the floor in the shower?"
Y/N hides her face in her hands "It's silly."
"Not too silly if you are this upset. Tell me." Jongho holds your hand in his "We can work this out together."
"We are a good match, aren't we Jongho?"
"I think that we are. Why? Are you feeling differently?"
"No! Oh god no, you are the best."
"I was having brunch with my girlfriends and they expressed that they do not think you will be a good husband. They do not support our marriage, or our engagement."
Jongho exhales. Of course her friends are discouraging Y/N from marrying him.
"Well this depends. What do you think? Are we bad for one another?"
"What are you asking? Of course you are the best person for me!"
"I feel the same for you. Why are you allowing a friends words to influence you so? It matters only how you and I feel."
Y/N dabs her eyes "It is silly. I am sorry for not thinking rationally Jongho."
"Stop apologizing. I understand how your friends want to voice their disapproval as disguised as them to be caring." 

Welcome readers!

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I will be seeing everyone at the next update!

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