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I soon give up at the breathe taking sight of the chandeliers and stairs leading up to the rooms, the kitchen was noticeably big and neatly clean for a guy his age, I assumed he was alone because she lights were on or his parents were out of town. He set me down.
"Where are your family."
He walked up the steps as he made me follow him.
"I moved out months ago, I had the money..and ma wasn't gonna let me sell drugs. She through me out." I looked down.
"Pick your chin up! I hate when females do that shit, ya'll are to beautiful for that puppy shit." I looked up at him as he opens a door leading to this empty room. It had a queen size bed, made neat, a full bathroom and a walk in closet with a great view.
"Damn." I mumbled as he laughed.
"Hold up." He opened a droor as it creaked and pulled out a Tupac shirt. He handed it to me.
"Put this on." He smiled. He walked over and sat on the couch sitting against the wall facing the bed.
"You gonna leave?" I ask.
He points to the bathroom as he pulls out his phone sitting on the couch just texting away.
I walk into the bathroom to see a full mirror, I slid off my clothes looking at myself sitting in my Nike bra and regular Victoria secret underwear. I always did this, watching myself noticing every flaw, and blemishes. I never felt right in my skin. I just couldn't stop looking at scars and pimples. I take one last look as I slide on the shirt and walk out with my clothes.
"Where do I.-" he points to a laundry shoot without even looking up from the phone, I rolled my eyes as I climbed in bed.
"Your gonna watch me all night?" I narrowed my eyes at him, Sitting up .
He finally looks up from his phone placing his dark eyes on me.
"Well I know your gonna try to run considering the fact that I'm a drug dealer and you think your friend, Jasmine...is dead. And to give it to your straight she might be...you know were I live and honestly I'm pretty sure your a snitch little Mrs. Straight A." He smiled at me, that smile I could tell got girls to do whatever he wanted.
"How would you know my grades! I just saw you walk into school for the first time today!!!" I started breathing heavy my heart was pounding, I don't know why but I could tell Trey knew I was having trouble he gave me some water he brought from the bathroom.
"Drink." He said softly, "you'll calm down." He handed me the water, desperately I drank it.
A little after I got dizzy, my throat was getting even dryer. My vision was blurry as I saw Trey smiling from the couch. "What...what did you do."
He just looked at me.
"Sleep." He said softly.
I tried to get up as I rolled off the bed, I tried to stand up but it was as if my body was paralyzed and tightened, I felt I was being cooked.
Trey comes and picks me up.
"I think I gave you too much." I could tell the expression on his face all I saw was his shape.
"What.." I my eye lids start to get heavy.
"Just let it work, don't fight it okay..!" I hear Trey yell. It starts to sound muffled as he speaks. I hear my heart beat a little slower. I close my eyes and hear nothing but muffled movement noises.

Next day.

I wake up as my head spins, it feels as if my brain snapped in half. I try to sit up but the room spins.
I cover my eyes because of the damn sun. I get up to close the curtains from the balcony as I see a huge pool..with someone swimming in it, he gets out and I see Trey. I lean over the balcony a little to see him, as the pool directed right below. I get dizzy as I slip, falling into the pool.
"TREY!" I yell as splash.
I sink in the pool hearing once again Trey calling my name. I let the sun hit the water as I stayed under floating, I paddle my arms upward to stay down as I gazed into the sun. I didn't even want air, I just felt as if all my worries right now died. Until I felt hand grab me, I was pulled up to meet with Trey's brown eyes shimmering in the sun. "You can't swim?" Trey asked me as I just wrapped my arms around him. I needed to be held.
"No, I can swim. I was on a swim team for 5 years." Did I mention I was a big bragger?
Trey let out a chuckle.
"I gotta watch what I give you girl...what the hell are you thinking trying to drown yourself."
I was starting to feel warm inside as I look down to see

Tatted on his chest. Trey starts to carry me out the water as he hands me a towel. I was chattering and still not feeling to well. I jump up falling to the floor.
"What did you do to me Trey."
I began to cry, I was being tortured I curl up in a ball wrapped in a towel as Trey tries to get me up. But there's a knock on the door.
Trey grabs a gun from the droor.
"Stay quiet..anyone asks. Your my girlfriend. Don't fuck it up." He gave me a serious look that I could actually see. I wanted to yell "help" or something.
He opened the door to see a man. He smiled real big at Trey.
"J!" He yells.

Sorry for such short chapters, I'm a little busy in work. But I promise this book will be finally finished by Christmas I'll be doing a chapter or 2 everyday.
Christmas countdown=28 days.
{for those who don't celebrate. I'm sorry...happy holidays}

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