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I pick it up leaning over Trey, he didn't budge. I look down as he's still sound asleep the phone dings again. A text message pops up:
Baby, why do you keep ignoring me.
R u wit some1

I decide to wake him up...
"Trey.." I said as he turned away from me.
I grabbed him arm.
"Not right now ma." He said trying to stay asleep.
"Wake the fuck up!" I looked at him as I punched him hard as I could, he sat up.
"What the fuck!" He yelled as I stuffed the phone in his face as it kept dinging on and on.
The bitch was thirsty.
"Who dat?" He tried to play dumb, a random bitch isn't gonna come out of no where and say "babe" like is he for real he tried to play me dumb, I felt my heart break as we literally just had sex last night. I felt played, and used.
I got up as he grabbed my arm I was ready to explode I turned trying to yank my arm back as he got up in his boxers.
"Get the fuck off me Trey!"
The phone keeps on going off.
"Can we talk." He yells over the noise of the phone.
"Can you tell the bitch to stop texting first." My face turned red, I wanted to smash it into a million pieces to be honest. He got up texting as I patiently waiting tapping my feet. He threw the phone the bed as it bounced off and landed on the floor.
He grabbed me by the waist.
"J.." He said softly as his eyes shinned in the light he moved me closer to him. I was still in my bra and underwear and we were right in front of the balcony. But that didn't matter I wanted to be in his arms, but I couldn't give. I tried to think negative. I pushed him away as the flashbacks of Lito touching me, and kissing my neck then being with my sister, guys touching my butt. I screamed not realizing where I was.
"What the hell!" He yelled looking at me mad cause he stepped on a brush barefooted.
I slam myself on the bed as Trey sits on the couch in his underwear with his weary eyes, I could tell he wanted to explain, something was on his chest. In fact something was bothering from J. Who knows what...

"What happened with J.." I broke the silence narrowing my eyes at Trey who was staring into space he looked at me.
"Trey don't play that shit...what did he tell you."
Trey stood up still in his underwear  which I didn't mind since I saw beyond that...I was comfortable and so was he.
Trey got up and left without saying a word.
I was in a stank mood, I wasn't going to sit there and chase after him.

Good Girls Need Thugs{being Rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now