A Minor Setback by UbiquitousMixie

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Andy surprises Miranda at work.


Miranda pressed her fingers to her temples, massaging at the throbbing tension headache that
had settled within the past few hours. Darkness had fallen over the city and cast dark
shadows about her office, but she couldn't be bothered to turn on the lights. The glow from
her laptop illuminated the hundreds of photographs of samples in front of her and she
wondered with a sneer if she'd make it home before midnight.

"Miranda, is there--"

Miranda held up her hand and glared over the rims of her glasses at her second assistant.

"Just go."

"What about--"

"I said go. Your presence is no longer required."

The girl looked as though she were ruminating over a question, so Miranda deepened her
glare. With a squeak the girl turned on her heels, fetched her things, and left.

She shook her head. This one would be lucky to last the week.

Miranda was glad for the quiet. She knew only a few employees remained in the building
and, luckily for them, they were located on the opposite end of the office. Even the sound of
breathing was irritating at this particular moment.

At least now she could work in peace.

She held up two photographs and pursed her lips. This season's accessories were abysmal at
best and it was up to Miranda to select the few in the lot that wouldn't taint the pages of the

Too bad she couldn't fire designers. Her daughters could put together a better collection of

Her temple pounded at the distant ping of the elevator.

Licking her finger, Miranda leafed through a stack of papers. She was so absorbed in finding
a memo from Zac Posen that she didn't notice that she wasn't alone until a figure cleared her
throat in the doorway.
She looked up to see Andrea's brightly shining face. "Now's not a good time."

"It's nice to see you too, Miranda."

"Forgive my lack of manners," Miranda added, pulling the needed piece of paper from the
bottom of the pile. "I'm surrounded by a gaggle of incompetent idiots and am therefore hours

"I guess so. You missed dinner."

A surge of guilt pooled in Miranda's gut. She attempted to read the young journalist's face for
any sign of disappointment but, as usual, Andrea appeared good-natured. That did little to
assuage the guilt; this was the second dinner she missed in as many weeks. "I'm sorry,
Andrea," Miranda said quietly.

"Thus is the plight of being Miranda Priestly's lover."

"You deserve better."

Andrea rolled her eyes and walked forward slowly, as if allowing Miranda to size her up. She
wore a pair of smart dark brown slacks, a white button down blouse, and a leather jacket.
She'd even discarded her typical Doc Martens for a pair of D&G stiletto boots. "I'm sure you
can make it up to me."

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