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Once upon a time, not long ago,
God mixed a potion, let sorrow grow.
An elixir of tears, both bitter and bright,
And from it was born a child of light.

She came to a home with walls of stone,
A family cold, where love was unknown.
In a house where silence filled every room,
She was a fragile flower, left to bloom.

Her laughter tried to pierce the air,
But it vanished, lost, as if none cared.
Her light, though strong, began to fade,
As shadows deepened, the warmth betrayed.

She reached for hands that never came,
Her heart a candle in the rain.
The weight of the world pressed on her soul,
Until even she felt far from whole.

In a family not quite right, she wept,
And in her lonely dreams, she slept.
A spark of beauty, too soft, too frail,
She was the light that life let fail.

And so she lingered, quiet and still,
A ghost of love, bent to life’s will.
Her glow, once radiant, slipped away,
A fading star at the end of the day.


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