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Once upon a time, not long ago,
God stirred a potion, let magic flow.
An elixir of light, of wonder and swirl,
And from it emerged a mystical girl.

She was placed in a house where shadows danced,
Where whispers of secrets and strange circumstance
Echoed in halls, where laughter was rare,
A family bound by threads of despair.

But this girl, she shimmered with radiant grace,
A spark of the sun in the darkest place.
With every smile, she softened the gloom,
Turning silence to music, and light into bloom.

Her steps were like whispers on winds of change,
As she wandered through moments, both bright and strange.
A heart full of wonder, and eyes full of dreams,
She mended the cracks and unraveled the seams.

In a world that was crooked, she stood so tall,
A reminder of beauty beyond it all.
For even in families not quite right,
There are hearts that glow with  eternal light.


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