Even though I wanted to end everything, phaw spotted me on my way back and I was forced to get back home with him.
A few days later:
The principal wanted me to change schools to avoid being mentally harassed by the other students since they loved Arthit and to them I was just an outcast, never meant to be there in the first place.
However, we had already passed the mid-session of 12th grade which meant that no school would be willing to take me in. Afterall, re-registering me for boards from their school, giving me time to get acquainted with the way of teaching of their faculty and monitoring my performance would be too much of a hassle for any school.Hence, there was barely any choice left for me than to suffer the consequences of something I wasn't sure if was my fault.
"Murderer! Killer! You killed him!" Were a few of the many words I found scribbled on the bench and my locker on a daily basis.
By the end of each day, I could feel my sanity slipping away little by little.
Even though I could feel my patience running out, there was nothing I could do about it.A few days later:
I was washing my hands in the washroom when a few guys walked in. It was after school hence it wasn't uncommon for guys to come to the washrooms in crowds to get ready for the after school sports practice or to just hang out with their friends.
"Oh...look who's here. Mr. Murderer?" Intek - One of Arthit's good friends commented.
However, I chose to ignore him and continued washing my hands.
"Oi! Don't pretend to be deaf you as*hole!" He screamed as he grabbed me roughly by my shoulder, making me turn before landing on punch on my face. I feel onto the ground and felt my ears ring as I struggled to get a hold of myself.
My fists curled up into a ball ready to throw a punch back at him, but I had to endure it, for if I did end up hitting him back, I would be the one to get reprimanded even if he was the one to start everything. Afterall, he was the precious only child of this parents while I was the loathed one of mine."What? Are you feeling angry? Do you want to hit me back? Huh?" He mocked, trying to instigate me.
"Hold it in" I murmured to myself.
"Hold it in"
"Hold it in"
"Have your parents never taught you that it's rude to murmur if someone's standing infront of you?" He hissed while picking me up by the collar.
"Speak loudly when you're spoken to. Get that? You arrogant bas*ard?!" He gritted his teeth while saying.
"Teach this son of a bi*ch some manners" He commanded his minions as he shoved me towards them.
In an instant, I was pushed to the ground and started getting beaten up by them. I put my hands up for defence but let them loose soon enough.
"What should I even defend myself for?" Were my thoughts before I did so. Even though the pain from getting hit was nowhere near the emotional pain that I was feeling, it was giving me a momentary relief from the distress.
"It's disgusting how you don't show any emotions even while getting hit" He sounded annoyed.
Intek was the last one to land a kick on me before exiting the washroom along with his troop, leaving me completely bloodied on the floor.
With all the strength I could sum up, I got up and washed my wounds. The burning sensation instantly took over my senses as soon as the water washed over the newly formed wounds.

FanfictionWhen abusive parents lead Porsche to try and escape his fate, destiny brings him to vertis. But will Vertis prove to be his soulmate or will someone else wreck havoc in his already turbulent life? keep reading "ESCAPE" to find out.