t w e n t y s e v e n

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Chan hugged Jeongin tightly, pulling him closer. He trembled slightly, overwhelmed by his worry. Even though Jeongin had been rescued and was safe, the fear from the kidnapping lingered heavily on Chan's mind. The thought of losing Jeongin terrified him more than anything.

Chan's biggest fear was losing the person he loved most. He held Jeongin close, as if he were afraid that, if he let go, Jeongin might slip away forever.

Jeongin could feel Chan's vulnerability. He placed his hands on Chan's back and tightened the hug slightly. The way Chan clung to him made his heart ache. Who else would go this far for him? Who would love him so deeply? Chan's actions, his distressed expression, and his trembling body spoke louder than words. Jeongin was sure Chan could hear the rapid beating of his heart by now.

This hug was full of warmth, safety, and unconditional love. Tears threatened to fall from Jeongin's eyes as he embraced Chan tighter. He couldn't shake the thought of what could have happened if Chan hadn't been there to save him. The horror of that possibility was too much to imagine.

Chan had done everything to rescue him, even crossing lines he'd never thought he would.

"Channie," Jeongin finally whispered.

Chan's arms tightened a bit more at the sound of the nickname. It was the first time Jeongin had called him that, and hearing it from the one he loved filled him with emotion. His heart swelled, and his face flushed at the affectionate name.

"Please... say that again," Chan whispered, his face buried in Jeongin's shoulder.

"Channie... I'm okay. I'm right here, next to you," Jeongin assured him, gently stroking Chan's back.

"It's alright... I'm not going anywhere," Jeongin whispered, his voice soft and comforting near Chan's ear.

Chan didn't want to let go. He felt like tearing up but forced himself to release the hug. His hands moved up to cradle Jeongin's cheeks, gently stroking them. For a moment, all Chan did was stare into Jeongin's tired yet beautiful eyes.

Unable to hold back, Chan leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Jeongin's slightly parted lips. It was a gentle peck, full of love. After the kiss, he tilted his head to place another kiss just under Jeongin's right eye.

"I love you... so much," Chan whispered, his voice heavy with emotion.

"You're so precious to me, baby. I can't imagine losing you..." He muttered, his face so close to Jeongin's that his nose brushed against Jeongin's cheekbone.

Jeongin was speechless. The depth of love and fear in Chan's words, the protectiveness mixed with a promise of safety, left him overwhelmed.

A few days later, Jeongin returned to university. His wrist had healed enough that he only needed to wear the brace, and with painkillers and medication, the headache was subsiding. Chan had become even more protective, hiring extra security and personally accompanying Jeongin to and from school. He wouldn't take any chances with Jeongin's safety again.

If it hadn't been for Jeongin's insistence, Changbin would have been dismissed from his position as Jeongin's bodyguard. It had taken a lot of convincing, but Chan finally agreed, all because he was hopelessly in love with Jeongin.


"Oh my God, Jeongin-ah!!" a voice called out, and suddenly, the boy rushed towards the mentioned boy.

"Felix?! What's wrong?" Jeongin asked, confused by his friend's  behavior.

"Ever since the incident, he's been blaming himself," Seungmin sighed, rubbing his temples as if Felix had given him a headache.

Felix grabbed Jeongin's sleeves, shaking him with endless apologies.

"Aghh! It's all my fault, Innie, I'm so sorry!"

"Whoa, Felix, calm down! Why are you blaming yourself for this?" Jeongin asked, pulling Felix to his feet.

"I distracted Changbin by calling him while he was on duty! If I hadn't, none of this would've happened!" Felix whined, his voice filled with guilt.

"Oh my God, he's been driving me crazy with this since you've been gone," Seungmin grumbled.

"Felix, stop blaming yourself! It wasn't your fault," Jeongin reassured him.

Felix suddenly straightened up, his demeanor shifting from whiny to serious in a split second. "You, Yang Jeongin," he said, grabbing Jeongin's arm firmly, "are going to tell me everything. Every single fucking thing." he said, and Jeongin noticed a pout on Felix's face. 

"gosh Jeongin.. you don't know how worried you had gotten us" Seungmin sighed, while Felix was agreeing with him.

short chap sorry guys..</3

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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