chapter 9

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After a while I wake up feeling someone shaking me gently I roll away feeling comfy but they keep shaking me like their in a panic. "Ash haha come on plz wake up we need to get out of here" I open my eyes seeing Jesse looking worried I tilt my head as she drags me out of the room as I'm getting taken out of the room I stop myself as I see someone that I seen before it's someone from the group that always Raded the place. I feel worried as Jesse starts dragging me again "no no don't do it it's not worth it" I brake out of her grip when I see one of the people try stabbing someone from the group but they miss and dash their arm. I suddenly get the hit of blood it smells so good and I want some I start walking near them as Jesse trys to stop me. One of them sees me "hey.. that's the brat that killed the boss" "ya it is let's deal with him" Jesse panicky let's me go as the guys surround me as the guy with the cut on my gets closer I start to growling quietly "huh? Why is he growling?" "Wait remember when we found boss he had bite marks on his neck not just the gun shot in the head" "is this kid a..-". I suddenly dash at the guy who has a cut on him and bite him on the arm deeply "Agh! That hurts mates! GET OUT HES A ZOMBIE AGH!"  The guy passes out as the  lights turn off "Hey? What happen?" "I DONT KNOW BUT I CANT SEE AGH!" "Mate?! ARE YOU OK?" the light flicker back on the color from the guys face fades away as he sees me eating the guy's organs with a  crazy look on my face a smile "w-w-what the..". The lights turn off again as everyone hears the screams of pain coming from the guy as the lights gets working again everyone in the group is scared as I'm eating the guys flesh Jesse walks up to me and touches my back I jump away having blood stains on my face and small flesh chunks on my face "w-woah hey hey calm down ash its just me c-calm down" I could tell she's scared but I don't feel anything right now all I can tell is that the bad people are food Jesse is I'm not sure. "A-ash are you ok? It looks like your being forced to smile..WOAH-" I fall onto Jesse sleeping feeling comfy "I guess he's really tired well thanks to him we can keep our place right guys" everyone says "ya he did help us" Jesse looks at me and says "thanks for helping I guess we can keep the.. b-bodys in his room" one person says "Hey ash what happened to the food you gave him the first time? The normal meat" "Oh that I'm not sure I think he ate it  it was meat after all" "ok thanks for telling I'll help you get him in his room". I felt myself get dragged back to my room as I was asleep and as they dragged the corpses back in my room to but I heard somthing strange it was a heart beat coming from one of the corpses.

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