Chapter three

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                          🍋 𓍯𓂃𓏧

It's been a few days since that first night, and surprisingly, I've settled in well with the girls. We've all found our rhythm, even with the occasional chaos that comes from living together. Every now and then, I still hear random loud thuds from someone's room-probably Emily, with her tendency to blast music while rearranging things. The sound pulses through the thin walls, accompanied by upbeat tunes, but it's never bothered me. If anything, it's a comforting reminder that I'm not alone here, even if I've spent most of my time hiding away in my room, hibernating like a bear.

I've been avoiding too much socializing lately. Not that I don't like them-they're great, honestly-but there's this constant, nagging homesickness clinging to me. The unfamiliarity of this new place feels heavier at times, pressing down like an invisible weight. But today, something feels different. There's this restless energy bubbling under my skin, a need to move, to do something instead of just wasting the day away.

Dragging myself out of bed, I shuffle into the kitchen, the cold tiles beneath my feet waking me up a bit. The light pouring in through the window bathes the room in a soft morning glow, and it almost feels peaceful in here. I start boiling some pasta, keeping it simple since I'm not in the mood for anything fancy. The familiar, rhythmic motion of stirring the pot is soothing, even as my thoughts wander.

Halfway through cooking, the sound of footsteps makes me glance up. Paige walks in, her hair a little messy, though she pulls it off effortlessly, as usual. She's wearing pajama shorts and an oversized sweater, but somehow, even like this, she looks put-together-like she has this natural glow that doesn't require any effort.

"Morning, An," she says with a grin, leaning against the counter casually. "Haven't seen you in a while. You okay?"

I nod, though my response feels a little flat. "Yeah, just... homesick, I guess."

She raises an eyebrow, her expression softening as she fills a glass with water. "Homesick, huh? You sure that's all it is? You've been hiding out in your room like a recluse."

I chuckle softly, trying to brush it off, but the sound doesn't quite reach my eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some space, I think."

Paige takes a sip of water, studying me for a moment as if trying to read between the lines. "Well, you should come with us to the Freshers' Fair later. It starts around three. Might be a nice change of pace."

I stir the pasta, pretending to think it over, but the truth is, I've already made up my mind to say no. The thought of being around a huge crowd of people, all smiling and excited about uni life... it just feels overwhelming. But Paige, ever persistent, doesn't let me off the hook so easily.

"You seem a little down, An," she says, setting her glass on the counter. "A bit of fresh air could help. Plus, you'll get to check out what clubs and societies are around. There's bound to be something interesting."

I hesitate, my eyes fixed on the swirling water. The idea of staying cooped up in my room for another day suddenly feels unbearable. Maybe she's right-maybe I do need a change of scenery. I sigh softly and nod, finally giving in. "Okay... I guess I can come."

Paige's face lights up immediately, her smile contagious. "Great! I'll knock on your door when we're ready to go." With a satisfied grin, she grabs her glass and leaves the kitchen, her energy lingering behind.

As soon as she's gone, I feel a small spark of excitement flare up inside me. It's been ages since I've done anything like this. Maybe it's what I need to shake off this lingering homesickness.

After eating, I head back to my room to rest a bit, flopping onto my bed and scrolling through my phone. It's just mindless browsing until a message pops up in our group chat. Guys, look who I found on Instagram =)

Emily, of course. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I open the chat to find an Instagram link. With barely a second thought, I click on it. My phone loads the page, and there it is: jack.carls.

The profile picture is the first thing that hits me-Jack Carlos, dressed in a leather jacket with no shirt underneath, showing off a maze of tattoos that snake across his chest. His dark hair is styled in that effortlessly messy way that looks both deliberate and careless. There's a cocky grin on his face, the kind that screams trouble, and his huge following is proof that he's no stranger to attention.

Kelly's message pops up next: Omg, Emily!

Paige chimes in with her usual wit: It's always the good-looking ones with the tats...

Emily, clearly unbothered, adds: Apart from him being hella messy, he's fr my type tho.

I let out a quiet sigh, tossing my phone onto my chest. So, that's Jack Carlos. The infamous name they warned me about. He looks exactly like the type of guy I expected-trouble wrapped in an attractive package. His popularity and that arrogant smirk are more than enough to keep me far away.

Though Emily seems to know a lot about him-and not in a good way-there's still that strange fascination in her tone. I shake my head, determined not to get caught up in whatever drama surrounds him.

Pushing the thought aside, I get up and start picking out clothes for the fair. I settle on a black long skirt and an oversized hoodie that reads Snooze across the front, a bit of an ironic statement considering how much I've been sleeping in lately. My prosthetic arm is already in place, and I gather my curls into a messy bun. I don't bother with makeup, just a swipe of lip gloss to feel a bit put together.

There's a knock at my door just as I'm finishing up. "Anastasia, you ready?" Paige calls from the hallway.

"Yeah, coming!" I grab my phone and keys, slipping them into my bag before opening the door. Paige stands there, looking as stunning as ever. She's traded her casual look for a tight black dress that hugs her figure perfectly, paired with a cropped cardigan that drapes over her shoulders.

"You look cute," she says, giving me a quick once-over and nodding approvingly.

I smile, feeling a bit self-conscious but grateful. "Thanks. You look amazing."

Paige laughs and loops her arm through mine, pulling me gently down the hallway. "Come on, everyone's downstairs waiting."

When we get to the common area, the rest of the girls are already gathered, chatting and laughing. Emily spots me first and immediately links her arm through mine, her eyes lighting up.

"Girl, you look gorgeous!" she gushes, pulling me closer to the group.

The others chime in with compliments, and for a second, I feel a bit underdressed in my oversized hoodie compared to their more stylish outfits. Emily's in a chic floral dress, Kelly's in ripped jeans and a leather jacket, and Dammy's rocking an effortlessly cool athleisure look. But I shake off the insecurity and let myself enjoy the moment.

As we step outside, the crisp autumn air hits me, cool and refreshing, and for the first time in a while, I feel... lighter. Maybe Paige was right-this could be exactly what I needed.

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