Chapter 1

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Emery <3

I hate science.

Ok maybe hate is a strong word, but it doesn't make any sense. I don't really care about what the Earth looked like a gazillion years ago. Why waste our time learning this when we could be looking for our prince charming!

Ever since I was little, my favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast. I loved how magical their story felt and how you could see the sparks fly around them when they interacted. I know it's childish but i've always imagined myself as Belle. I was obsessed with the idea of finding someone different and slowly falling in love with them. It's too bad that every man around this school suck. They're all either players or druggies.. or freaking gay! You'd have to get lucky to find a man worthy of your time. Maybe my standards have gotten higher since last year. Since Dylan.

Dylan was my second boyfriend. My first boyfriend was from the 5th grade, and fifth graders aren't exactly romantically inclined. I promise myself that I won't ever date a man who isn't romantic. I wouldn't say that Dylan was romantic.. but I wouldn't say that he wasn't either. During the start of our relationship, he took me on a lot of dates. 'Dates.' He called  me them dates but he would always bring his friend group filled with sexist and dirty men. He got me presents for my birthday and valentine's day, but they both were just happy birthday/happy valentine's day cards with no writing on the inside. If I was more experienced with relationships, I probably would've dumped his ass way sooner. Dumping him would've been way better than hearing from my best friend that he was cheating on me. I blame myself for not noticing the obvious red flags in him.

Anyways, he DEFINITELY was not the one. To be honest i'm sick and tired of waiting for 'the one'. They're taking too long and i'm getting impatient. It's my last year of high school and i'm gonna be single forever.

Whatever.. enough thinking about boys. I really need to finish this worksheet. I really don't feel like bringing it home over the weekend.

"Emeryy! What's number 8..?" Jess says in a whiny voice.

Jessica Johnson, my best friend. She's been my best friend since forever. We met in elementary school and became best friends when we bonded over eating play-dough together. As much as I love her, I have no clue how she managed to graduate last year. She's not dumb.. but she can be a little slow sometimes..? I like to think that i'm her guardian angel, helping her pass through the rough and harsh times. By rough and harsh I mean opening her water bottle for her when she can't do it herself..

"Im not even done with number 4 Jess." I'm not a genius myself either.

"Nooo!" She says dramatically and drops her head onto the table.

"Calm down, it's due Monday so we can just do it over the weekend." I reassure her.

"Oh right! Speaking of the weekend, are you going to Theo's Halloween party?" I completely forgot about that. Every year Theo has a party at his house, which is quite literally a mansion. I have no clue what his parents do but he's wealthy as fuck. I've been to a few of his parties but only because Jess drags me to them each and every year, except for last year. Last year I was supposed to match with Dylan as an angel and demon, which is honestly a fitting costume for him, but just a few days before the party Jess sent me screenshots of him texting and kissing other girls. I cried for days and ended up not going to the party.

"Shit! I forgot about that. I didn't even get a costume for it. I'm probably just not gonna go again." Last year I heard that someone got hit by a car. Doesn't sound like i'm missing out on much.

"What?! Absolutely not. It's our senior year and I'm not having your amnesia ruin it for us! Do you still have that costume from last year? You could wear that!" She's way too enthusiastic of this party.

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