part 3

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It's been two days this unnatural element happening as I got ready to meet that person from whom my grandmother bought this mansion

I drove through the dark forest, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something supernatural was amiss in the mansion. The past few days had been filled with unexplainable events, defying logic and science.

I was on my way to meet Mr. Antonio, determined to uncover the truth. Upon arrival, I confronted him.

"Enough deception, Mr. Antonio," I said firmly. "You didn't tell my grandmother about the mansion's dark history, did you? It's haunted, and you know it."

Mr. Antonio's face paled, sweat beading on his forehead.

"You're just assuming things," he stammered. "There's no truth to these claims."

I pressed on, my voice unwavering.

"How long will you keep this secret? If anything happens, you'll be held responsible."

Mr. Antonio's eyes darted nervously, betraying his attempt to hide the truth .

Mr. Antonio's eyes darted around the room, as if searching for an escape. "I...I didn't mean to harm anyone," he stuttered.

"Harm anyone?" I repeated, my voice rising. "You've been hiding the truth about this mansion for years. What secrets are you keeping?"

He hesitated, then spoke in a low tone, "The mansion has a...a history. Unexplained occurrences, disappearances... Some say it's cursed."

I leaned in, my heart racing. "What kind of occurrences?"

Mr. Antonio glanced around nervously before continuing, "Doors opening by themselves, strange noises, and...ghostly apparitions. Your grandmother knew, but she didn't want to believe it."

My mind reeled with the implications. "Why didn't she tell me?"

He sighed, "She wanted to protect you. But now...I fear it's too late."


I stormed back to the mansion, my feet pounding the ground in frustration. The encounter with Mr. Antonio had left me shaken, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister lurked within the mansion's walls.

"There's no way I'm staying in this mansion a minute longer," I thought to myself. "No way."

As I hastily packed my luggage, a blood-curdling cry echoed through the halls, sending shivers down my spine. "Ahhhh!" I screamed, clutching my ears in desperation. "Enough!"

Suddenly, a loud creaking noise echoed from outside, as if the mansion itself was listening.

Racing against time, I sprinted towards the piano room, the source of the haunting sound. My heart pounded in anticipation as I flung open the glass doors.

Before me stood a vision of elegance - a girl in a flowing white gown, her slender fingers dancing across the piano keys. The melody was hauntingly beautiful, unlike anything I'd ever heard. The room shimmered with an ethereal blue light, as if the music had conjured a mystical realm.

 The room shimmered with an ethereal blue light, as if the music had conjured a mystical realm

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"This can't be real," I thought, my mind reeling. "I must be dreaming."

My gaze locked onto the girl's reflection in the glass doors. Her face seemed familiar, and suddenly, the connection clicked - she was the girl from the portrait.

"There's no way this is a coincidence," I thought, a chill running down my spine.

Without hesitation, I pushed open the door, but she vanished into thin air. The room fell silent, leaving me stunned and questioning my sanity.

"This is insane," I thought. "I need to get out of here, now."

The piano, once filled with life and music, now stood still, its keys eerily silent. I searched the room, but she was gone, leaving behind only the haunting memory of her beautiful melody.

My mind reeled with questions Who was she? Why was she here? And what did she want from me?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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