A Villain Emerges

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I sighed as my mate and I finished our training session for the day having achieved a great deal of progress in the short amount of time I've been teaching her. I blushed and froze as I saw a strange fiery orange glow coming from the area where Isabelles best friend resides. I frowned and said mate this way! I frowned as we flew off overhead and froze as I saw a  fire blazing and froze seeing  villagers frantically running this way and that trying to win a loosing battle. I frowned and said Sofia go alert the queen hurry! I frowned as I called out  abandon the village get to safety help is on the way! I smiled as they left making for higher ground. I frowned and looked around checking for any stranded villagers and froze as I saw a sight that shattered my heart and broke me. I sighed as I walked over to see Isabelles friend crying over the lifeless burned form of her father. I frowned and stepped forward and said hop on we need to get you to safety. I frowned as she nodded pulling herself onto my back. I sighed and lowered my head and whispered  may the heavens bless your journey into the afterlife and welcome you with open arms. I sighed and took off landed with the other villagers and said make for the palace and stay together. I  sighed and took off for the castle and landed in front of the castle door and roared Father!!! I smiled as my father came out and said Skylar what is it? I shifted and said the village is on fire so far. I know of one fatality and the rest of the village is on its way here we need to discuss this with her majesty. Cristina!! I jumped as the princess shouted seeing the burns and soot all over Christina. I frowned as I explained everything to her and the queen and said we have to find out what happened and how it happened my queen. I smiled as she nodded and turned to the guards and said send your best warriors to gather all the information you can and send aid to extinguish the fire. I shifted as my mate came over and nuzzled me and said I'm sorry I failed you mate I was Waylaid in my efforts. I frowned and said it's not your fault I suspected as much and do not blame you.

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