A Queen's Decree

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I sighed as I Stood at the Queen to he's side as a vigilant guard and growled a warning as a small warrior came forward relaxing only as he knelt and said My lady, I come with news from the harbor. I frowned as the queen smiled and said speak. He shifted and said the harbor master is reporting several shipments have been reported missing and is requesting more guards and an additional security detail. I shifted and said Father! I smiled as King Vergo stepped forward and said yes, son? The harbor is reporting an attack i suggest sending a battalion of Jaquins to ensure everything runs smoothly and their royal highnesses arrive to a safe secure area. I smiled as Father growled and said, "You're right. I froze as he radiated the kings authority and roared secure the harbor! I smiled as the elite warriors took flight at my father's command and shouted viva avalor! I chuckled and turned just in time to see a poisoned blade heading for the queen. I growled and said, "Hit the dirt, your majesty!" jumped over top her, roaring in agony as the dagger sank into my shoulder. I froze as I heard the palace guards shouting orders and felt three warriors pick me up and carry me inside. I frowned as I weakly growled father get my father. I sighed as I heard Elena shouting for my father and froze as I heard his growling anger. I shifted and said father it's not her fault. I did my duty, calm down and help me. I sighed as he said your right Skylar pulled the dagger out and muttered a spell. I sighed as my pain disapated and my strength returned. I shifted and said, "My queen, are you well? She nodded and said thanks to you. I smiled and said it was my duty as your guardian. I sighed then knelt down, and whispered (see top)

I frowned and looked down before turning to the Jaquins gathering in the room and said Father with your permission I'm ordering every Jaquins to report for defensive duties with priority being the Palace and harbor. I smiled as Father nodded and said so be it. I smiled as every Jaquins acknowledge their orders and set to work immediately. I sighed then turned to Elena and said I regret to inform you Elena that until my warriors can report back, it's safe you cannot and will not be permitted to leave." I sighed as my brother nuzzled me and said I'm glad you're okay, hermano. I smiled and said as am I. I sighed as he said I was on patrol at the harbor and saw the Enchancian flag in the distance, but there's something definitely going on they also had a distress banner on display. I frowned as fear and worry sank in. I frowned and said father my mate and I must see if we can assist. Father growled and said, "Take the chief and his warriors with you. I nodded as Sofia and I took flight. I frowned and roared to me!!! I smiled as the chief and his escort rose and said prince we hear you. I smiled and said follow my lead and be ready for a fight. I smiled as I flew out landed on the deck of the Royal Vessel of Enchancia and said let me speak with their majesties. I frowned as the captain said sadly our king is indisposed as her majesty has fallen ill. I growled and said ill? He nodded and said it seems someone has tried to poison the queen and princess. I frowned and said take me to them. I'll take them ashore for assistance. I frowned and turned to the chief and said, "Alert the queen we've got to Royals likely poisoned inbound. He nodded, taking off. I frowned as Amber was settled on my back feverish and weak. I frowned and said Sofia can you carry your mother? She nodded and said yes. I smiled as we took off landed at the castle we're the palace guard immediately took them in.

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