Chapter 1- "2021" Unforseen

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Hi, this is my first attempt at writing a historical science fiction book.
Please share your thoughts and provide feedback.

A blizzard of spears was shining and sizzling through the sky, and a rupture of moon stone yellow light appeared in the carnal-black sky.

With their swords clicking and clashing beneath the turbulence of the sky, a multitude of soldiers emerged from a blurred reflection and marched out into the limelight.

Their chain armor jingled and ticked as they ran after a group of soldiers who were screaming and screeching. The ground had turned slick with mud.

Their lenses gleamed like dew, but the moment was bone-freezing. A man walks his horse toward the spotlight from the battalion of soldiers. When he emerged from the battalion of soldiers, his armor glowed like a moon fire. He let out a burst of blood into the atmosphere and gave the horse another pat.

He fueled his horse and followed the reflection of a man riding a horse, although he was traveling in a different direction. Chatam almost stopped breathing and became stiff. He was desperate. He needed to get far ahead of the villain and out of the terrible darkness while he still had strength. He must fight. He must shoot the foul thing and knock him off his horse. He must stab him, even if the intent is to kill him. No not a fair fight. He was invisible now.

Dakota wielded an arrow. He had not actually threatened or attempted to kill him yet. And he was miserable, lonely, and lost.

Dakota experienced a sudden realization that filled him with pity and horror; he saw glimpses of his ordeal in the cave, where there was no light, no hope, no improvement-just cold fish whispering and creeping about. All of these thoughts flashed through his mind in a split second. He trembled, and then quite suddenly in another flash, as if lifted by a new strength and resolve. He launched himself forward, jumping onto the path that Chatam was using.

No great leap for a man, but a leap in the dark straight over Chatam's head, he jumped seven feet forward and into the air, and if he had known it, he would have only just missed cracking his skull arch of the passage.

Chatam, seeing Dakota's trick, threw himself forward and leaped over the deep bridge, but it was too late; his hands snapped on thin air after falling off into the bridge. Dakota speeds down to a new tunnel. He did not turn to see what happened to Chatam.

A bright light scar hung in the bat-black sky. With a stagger, Dakota came down from his horse, clutching his waist while molten red blood spurted from his open wounds.
"No, my Lord," a rear view of human shadows and footsteps reflected in Dakota's eyes as he slumped and fainted.

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