Chapter 5 -1995- Leona

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At the start of the scene, the maiden scurries to introduce herself, and Leona hears the door creak open and turns around for a moment.
She saw Chatam arrive as the maiden announced it, her face hidden behind a red cotton sheet. Looking down at her body, she saw that she was wearing only a mini singlet, so she abruptly grabbed onto a towel. Her face lowered, her silk hair falling over her left breast, her skin going pale. She ran her hands through her hair and pressed her lips together to make it a little wet.
Did you get enough sleep?
As he approached the red cotton sheet, Chatam inquired, "Fallen on his feet." With his feet gripping the shaded tiles that were beginning to resemble bricks. He let go of his hands and moved closer to the cotton's beginning.
The maid will be here to take care of your needs because I have an urgent meeting right now. The bulgogi tastes good; I grilled it especially for you; you.

"Misu appeared, guiding Chatam to the door entrance while bowing in greeting."
"Take care of her," Chatam says, slanting his neck to the right while speaking to a maid. As he leaves, the scene abruptly returns to Leona being carried to the bathroom, which is secretly separated from the bedroom.


'They were cleaning her back with their hands on it.

Have you heard of the latest news!
"one of the maiden says"
The prince uncle has been taken into custody and is presently undergoing a prison reprimand.

"She slid her long nails forward while keeping her hands angled across the other maiden as she filled Leona's body with water from a jerry can."
"Leona turned around and made a gesture with her palm to stop the water from coming towards her face."

Did you just mention that the uncle of the Crown Prince has been taken into custody?

"The maidens glanced at each other, chiming, dropping what they were holding, helping Leona up, bringing her hands forward, leaning them on her backs, and dressing her in a royal robe. The action paused as they adjusted her rope by giving it a final grip, almost knocking Leona off her feet.


Here is the final touch "one of the maiden whispered, dropping off a brush she held in her hands and placing a mirror towards Leona".

"With a broad smile, she gripped the mirror, her large lips drawing attention to the brown stain on her lips while the touch of red shade on her side cheek covered her face."

Regarding the question I posed to you earlier!
You did not respond to me.

"After setting the mirror aside and recognizing the maids' facial objections, her smiles fade."

You are closer to the prince than we are, and we will not be happy to share the palace problem with you, Your Majesty! "the first maiden says with her finger tapping and running through her dress".

This job is the only one that provides for our family, and we are only doing what the prince asks us to do, my lady. "The second lady stoops a bit to speak.
I will not tell Prince about this, so you can both stop acting and explain the reason behind the prince uncle's arrest.

Seriously! "The second lady gallivant, resting her hands accross Leona's hair and adjusting it."

Since the king thinks that sorcerers are responsible for the witches' encouragement and growth, he plans to exterminate them from the land of Gutham.

If the stories about the witches are true, then it is possible that they existed among us since we can't tell just by looking at their face. 'the first maiden says adjusting her stance to a relaxed position'. Or what do you think my lady? "Smiling cheaply," she says.

Yes, we should not trust anyone! "In response, Leona lost her equilibrium and changed her posture."

You can call me Leona, "she says brushing off her equillibrum and locking her feet on the floor". "The two maidens seem to be focusing on each other, grinning, and preoccupied with Leona's balance and mannerisms."

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