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Sara woke up to Mumbai's morning haze,Dreams of Italy still dancing in daze.She rose, and with each passing minute,Her heart beat faster, her soul's instinct.

She grabbed her passport, and with a grin,Headed to the airport, her journey to begin.Through security checks and boarding gates,Her excitement grew, her heart's anxious waits.

As she reached her gate, the flight was called,Sara boarded, her Italy dreams unveiled.The plane took off, leaving Mumbai's shore,Sara's adventure had finally begun once more.

In the skies, her thoughts drifted free,
Imagining Rome's Colosseum, Florence's glee.Venice's canals, a romantic serenade,
Italy's charm, her heart had already swayed.

The flight attendants offered a gentle smile,As Sara's thoughts danced, miles above the aisle.Her destination drew near, anticipation high,Sara's Italian escapade, ready to ignite..

Shubman and Junguu arrived at Mumbai's airport, excitement radiating from their faces.

Shubman: "Can't believe we're finally doing this, Junguu! Italy, here we come!"

Junguu: "I know, right? Spontaneous trips are the best!"

As they checked in and boarded the flight, they couldn't wait to explore Rome's Colosseum, Florence's Duomo, and Venice's canals.

Shubman: "I've always wanted to try authentic Italian pizza."

Junguu: "And gelato! We're trying every flavor."

The flight attendants welcomed them aboard, and they settled in for the long haul.

Shubman pulled out his Italy guidebook, while Junguu plugged in his earphones.

Shubman: "Junguu, have you thought about our itinerary?"

Junguu: "Not yet. Surprise me."

Shubman grinned. "You're in for a treat."

As the plane took off, they soared into the unknown, ready for their Italian adventure.

Hours passed, and the plane began its descent into Rome's Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport.

Shubman: "We're landing! Get your camera ready, Junguu."

Junguu: "Already on it."

As they disembarked, the warm Italian sun greeted them. They collected their luggage and hailed a taxi.

Taxi Driver: "Benvenuti! Welcome to Rome. Where to?"

Shubman: "The Colosseum, per favore."

The taxi zipped through Rome's historic streets, passing ancient ruins and baroque architecture.

Shubman and Junguu stepped out, awestruck by the iconic amphitheater.

Junguu: "Whoa! This is incredible."

Shubman: "Ancient history comes alive."

They explored the Colosseum, immersed in its grandeur. They enjoyed there

To be continued......

Our babies camed to Italy!

I will post another chapter if get 30 votes and atleast 5 comments please guys respect every author's work !

Yours author
Bhavana 💜

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