Chapter Four (A moment with Jack)

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  The next day was a blur,as Anne couldn't wait to meet the Senator.She knocked on the door,and a deep voice invited her in.She entered smiling and Senator Ben stood up from behind his desk,extending a hand.
     "Welcome,Anne.Great to finally meet you without any disturbance."
     "Likewise, Senator Ben.Your office is stunning."
     "Thank you.I like to think it reflects my commitment to the people."He gestured to a chair,and they sat down.
      "I'm glad we have a chance to talk before the chaos begins.I expect great things from you,Anne."
      "I won't disappoint,Senator.I'm eager to support your team."
      "Your not going to serve my team,your going to serve me.Ann,you becoming my secretary wasn't easy an decision for you especially when my former secretary was just murdered.Many were fearing but you stood stiff and courageous so i don't take you for granted."

    They discussed expectations,policies,and goals,building a rapport that put Anne at ease.
     "I think Harry introduced you to my staff."
     "Yes,Sir.And i can't wait to work with them."
     "Anne you are here because of me,don't trust anyone apart from Jack Graven or Harry,with time your going to find out why.First give me room to buy your trust."

    Leaving the Senator's office,Anne felt energized and motivated but on the contrary she was curious upon the last words of Senator Ben."Don't trust anyone apart from Jack and Harry."In her office,she found Jack Graven browsing through her bookshelf.Jack Graven,the Senator's chief if security turned to face her.
    "Ah,Anne.I hope you don't mind me making myself at home."

    Surprised,Anne asked,"What brings you here,Jack?"
     "I need to get to know you better.Ann your now working for a very powerful person in the country.I have to ensure you're trust worthy."Ann raised an eyebrow but gestured for him to continue.

     As they talked,Anne discovered they shared a passion for literature and love for dogs.Jack's tough exterior softened,revealing a kind and dedicated professional.
     "I see why the Senator trust you,"Anne said smiling.
      "The feeling is mutual,Ann welcome to the team."

    Ann and Jack sat in her office,sharing stories.Jack a tall rugged man with a kind face,spoke of his passion for literature,and how he once dreamed of becoming a writer.
    "But life had other plans,"Jack said,his eyes gazing into the past.
     "I joined the military,and then later,the secret service.My skills led me to the Capitol police and eventually I became the Chief of Security to the Senator."

      Ann listened intently,her eyes empathetic."I too,left a career I loved,"she said,her  voice soft.
      "I was a CIA operative,but the politics and bureaucracy wore me down.I resined,seeking a simpler life,and ended up here,as Senator Ben's secretary."
     As they delved deeper into their past,Jack revealed his favorite authors,Anne shared her own writing dreams also.Their Conversation flowed effortlessly,like old friends reuniting.In that moment they found a connection that went beyond their professional lives.The Conversation appeared to be at ease till Anne went off truck and asked Jack what the Senator meant by saying that she has to trust Jack or Harry not another person.Before Jack replied her,the phone on Anne's table rung out of the blue.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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