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Dallas POV

You got a visitor the fuzz said opening the cell . Who the fuck could that be I told Janet I didn't want her to see me like this . I went back to the cooler because I robbed a discount store judge said I get 6 months in this place , I only robbed it because I was blitzed . Janet was on my ass about it but we're still together . I got a week left here .

C'mon punk the pig (police) said showing me to the visitation room . I saw a man with salt and pepper hair and shabby beard , it was my dad .

I sat down and looked at him through the glass he looked stressed seem like he stop drinking  . I wasn't gonna talk to him first so I waited .When he finally noticed I wasn't gonna talk to me first he picked up the phone .

Dallas he called his eyes were red but I could tell he wasn't drunk for once. What I answered picking up the phone .

I'm leaving town son he announced looking down. I didn't know what to think but it didn't hurt me my mom bailed on me too , wasn't like he was much of a father anyways . I

Son ? Now I'm your son I questioned .

You've always been my son he rasped coughing .

Well "dad" go fuck yourself I don't care if your leaving , I've been raising myself ever since she left I replied slamming the phone hard almost breaking it. My blood was boiling and I wanted to punch the glass.

"Dallas it's because you look so much like her I couldn't look at you  "

I got up trying to ignore every word he said . I just want to say I love you and I'm sorry for it all he pleaded .

You got a real funny way of showing it I answered as if I didn't care. Bye pops I said walking away.

Dallas please don't throw your life away he yelled but his yelling got muffled as I walked farther and farther away.

Why don't you listen to your pops one of the pigs (police) teased

Because it's none of your fucking business I barked giving the fuzz a snarl.

skuzz! he yelled throwing me in a cell . I laughed "Fuck you".

I sat down thinking about what my dad said . It didn't mean shit to me , I hated him .

Janet's POV

We were siting down in the park watching the sun about to set me and Pony made a regular thing . We did it for Johnny I just know he would be smiling at us .

"Pony , what are we gonna do after graduation? "

I dunno I was thinking bout writing or something man , I dunno he began.

I was thinking bout being a doctor , like taking classes at college you know? I confided

Me and Pony were near our departure from konk class (school) it was scary .

I think you can do it , you've got the brains he supported taking out a weed.

I hated smoking it drove me crazy when Dallas did it . "Pony " I cocked an eyebrow

Fine I'll smoke later but does Dal know bout those plans ? he inquired while throwing the weed away.

No .. no one does I shared . I saw Pony's face when I gave him my answer he , I could tell what he was implying I loved Dallas but what would he do while I'm being a doctor he doesn't wanna grow up yet .

I know I get I added sighing . Doesn't mean a thing ,you guys will work it out he voiced optimistic with a cute smile.

Awwww Pony your so cute! I gushed teasingly . Shut your trap he said annoyed

"C'mon lemme squeeze those cheeks !"  I zinged running after him. Get away Janet he giggled running away.

We got closer and closer me and Pony were gonna be buds for a lifetime . He was like a little brother.

Later Janet's POV

Little book buster is graduating  Vincent teased rubbing my hair which was getting longer I was deciding whether to cut it or not.

Leave your sister alone Vinny  my mom said putting the chicken on the table. Ma I'm only foolin' he nagged .

Me and my mom were getting much better with each other I didn't feel that much resentment towards her. Vincent was always gonna be Vincent.

Me and my dad started making time to work on cars again , I still had my job at the gas station with Soda and Steve .

Come on suppers ready my mom announced . Finally I'm starving Vincent boomed running to the table .

Don't pig out (over eat) again I joked . We sat down around the small  wooden table .

Before we eat I wanna let you know how proud of you we are sweetie my father said raising his beer bottle . Thanks I love you dad I spoke .

I saw his face I waited for that face all my life , I couldn't wait  for him to see me in my cap and gown . I just wanted to make him proud .

"Love you too  hun"

after dinner I went to bed I missed Dallas so much the only thing I could think of is being in his arms . I cuddled with my pillow that was the closest thing I had to Dallas.

"I miss you Dallas"

Dallas POV

Man I miss you Janet I pondered looking up at my ceiling . I couldn't wait to have her in my arms again.

I hated being away from her .

The Next Morning (Janet POV)

I was starting job at the Gas Station , Soda and Steve were late. It was quiet , all of a sudden their loud truck blasted with music.

Aye , Janet thanks for opening up shop ! Steve zinged .

Good morning Janet soda quipped . Me and Soda were going back to normal I kinda missed talking to him . I did love him but just not they way he wanted me to , gradually he got over it.

So you and Pony are graduating  soda started. I never really understood why Soda dropped out he may have been handsome but there's more to that handsome than people think. When I think of dropout I get totally different image in my head .

Yeah I answered .

Whatcha guys gonna do ? soda chatted . I dunno  ,go see a flick or something  I suggested.

We should go to Buck's and go ape Steve concluded pumped. Partying never really been my type of night but you only graduate once.

What the why not ? I wooed . PARTAYYYYY IT IS ! Steve exclaimed .

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