she gets jealous that you're spending so much time with Chaeryeong (requested)

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"Hey, Chaeryeong. I'm on my way. Chaeyeon's still in bed so she doesn't know I'm leaving." You whispered into the phone as you began to quietly walk to the front door. "See you soon."

You ended the call and slid your phone into your pocket before reaching for your purse and your keys.

Just as you put your hand on the knob, the living room light turned on and you jumped before turning around.

"Chaeyeon! Baby, you scared me." You laughed and put your hand over your racing heart.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, um," You paused and tried to quickly think of a lie. "To get some breakfast. I'm so hungry."

"By yourself? You should've woken me up. I would've loved to tag along with you." She said with a little smile.

It broke your heart to know that you had to turn her down on that and lie to her even more.

"I just want some alone time, that's why I didn't wake you."

"Oh." She said and you immediately sensed the sadness in her voice.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few hours."

"Hours? Wait, what? You're just going for breakfast. Why will you be gone for hours?"

You paused again as you tried yet again to think of a quick lie to tell her, which you hate doing.

"I know you're lying so you can stop." She said and put her hands on her hips. "Why are you hanging out with Chaeryeong so much?"

"You know how much I love hanging out with her. She's your sister, we need to be close."

Chaeyeon looked doubtful and like she didn't believe a single word you said.

"You know, this is the first day I've had off in so long and you don't even want to spend it with me? You'd rather hang out with my sister. I don't like how much you're hanging out with her!"

"Chaeyeon, I'm sorry,"

"What are you two even doing together? You're spending so much time together. Are you cheating?"

"What?" You asked as her words felt like a knife in your heart. "Chaeyeon, why would you ever think that?"

"You spend so much time together. What else am I supposed to think?" She asked angrily. "Tell me the truth. What are you going to do with Chaeryeong today?"

"I can't tell you."

Your words shattered her heart and after a few seconds, Chaeyeon sniffled.

"Why? What are you hiding? That's my sister and you're my girlfriend! I don't get why you're both being so secretive!"

"Because, Chaeyeon! Just... trust me."

"I can't trust you right now, Y/N. Tell me why."

"Because she's been helping me recreate our first date together, Chaeyeon! I wanted to surprise you with something because our anniversary is approaching and I thought it would be romantic if I recreated our first date!"

Chaeyeon stood across the room in surprise as her anger faded.

Her eyes were soft and the love she has for you was starting to fill them as the anger and jealousy she felt just seconds ago was completely forgotten about.

"Surprise is ruined now... but that's what I was doing. I wanted to make our second anniversary truly special."

"Oh, Y/N," She softly spoke and came over to you to wrap you in her arms. "I can't believe I didn't believe you. I can't believe I ruined it. I just got so jealous and so scared."

"I know but it's me, Chaeyeon. You should trust me. You don't need to be scared or jealous especially when it comes to your sister. I would never cheat on you and you should know that your sister would never betray you like that too."

She nodded her head as regret flooded over her.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I feel awful."

"Don't. I understand. I was pretty secretive and I know your mind wandered. That happens. But now the surprise is ruined so I guess I could text Chaeryeong and let her know to forget about it."

"Or..." She stopped you just as you reached into your pocket for your phone. "I could act surprised. I mean, sure, I know what you're doing but I don't know every detail of it. You're working hard on this. Don't give up on it because I was jealous, please. I want to see the result."

You leaned in to steal a soft kiss from her lips, bringing a smile to her face.

"You're sure it's okay with you? You won't be jealous or mad at me or her?"

"No. I trust you, I was just jealous. But I shouldn't be. Everything's okay, I promise. Go finish the surprise, it's alright, baby."

You grinned and kissed her a couple more times before heading out the door as Chaeyeon smiled from ear to ear and a happy feeling filled her heart.

Now she just had to think of something she could surprise you with too.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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