Chapter 1 ( Beginning )

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At 6 AM, the morning light illuminates the city as the sun ascends into the sky. New York City residents are already bustling about, whether it's for work, to meet someone, heading to the gym, or simply exploring.

Despite it being a Saturday morning, the city remains as bustling as ever, with the roads still free from traffic at this early hour, although it won't stay that way for long.

Ani's POV:

*Alarm ringing loudly*

The thick blanket is used by the girl to cover herself, but she can still hear the alarm beeping loudly, which irritates her.

Uncovering herself, she sat up and glared at the loud beeping alarm, grabbing it and crushing it with her bare hands before throwing it to the ground then plopped back onto her bed.

 Sighing loudly and yawning while rubbing her eyes, she wanted to sleep more but remembered she had to work at the cafe today. Standing up, she stretched.

 Yawning once more, she sighed as she realized she had broken her alarm, as always.

 "Oh well, I'll just buy a new one on my way home later..." she yawned and went to the bathroom to clean herself up and bathe.

(Few minutes later)

After brushing her long hair, she tied it into twin braids, rolled them up, and created a braided twin bun. Following that, she put on high white socks, black school shoes, and her shoulder bag, which held her phone, wallet, umbrella, and mini fan.

 Next, she adjusted her adorable mini black dress with long sleeves and examined her reflection in the mirror.

" I dressed again....???"she was confused for a second and then realized "Oh....that's right....I was supposed to go to the cafe in work at...9..."

Looking at the clock, she noted that it was 7 o'clock. She still had some time before work. She hesitated for a moment before sighing and putting on her black lace gloves.

Afterward, she walked out of her apartment, she locked her doors and placed her keys in her bag.

She then made her way to the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. A few minutes later, she exited the elevator, relieved that she hadn't encountered any office workers in a hurry.

 Stepping outside the building, her pale white skin appeared to glow brightly. Quickly, she retrieved her umbrella to shield herself from the sun.

As the girl made her way to the cafe, she walked quietly, observing the many people already out on the streets. Fortunately, there was no traffic yet, and the road was peaceful. Upon her arrival at the cafe, she found the chef already there, busily preparing things.

 "You're early as always, Mr. Rick," the girl remarked as she closed the door behind her, put away her umbrella, and placed it in her bag.

 "Oh, little boss lady, how have you been? You haven't visited since last week. Have you had breakfast yet? I can cook something for you if you'd like," chuckled the tall, brown, masculine man as she pulled a chair near the counter, sat down, and set down her bag.

"I'm doing well, Mr. Rick. I didn't come to work because it was exam week, so I focused on my studies as you advised. I'd like fried egg and warm rice with ketchup, please."

The man chuckled and nodded, indicating that he would prepare the dish right away. While waiting, she swept the floor. The cafe was quiet and cold compared to the hot and noisy outdoor.

The man placed her plate of food and a glass of water, along with a plate of food for himself and a cup of coffee. "Hey, little boss lady, come and eat. Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands first."

She followed his instructions, putting away the broom and washing her hands before sitting down to eat with the man.

"How did the exam go, little miss?" The man asked, setting down his spoon and looking at her with concern.

"It went well. I received the highest scores as usual, and the teachers rewarded me with chocolates," she replied quietly after taking a sip of water.

"You're always amazing, little miss. Congratulations," the man chuckled and patted her head.As the man patted her head, she lowered her gaze.

After finishing their meal and cleaning up, they sat together, waiting for the other workers to arrive at 8:30, feeling bored.

After getting everything ready and tidying up, they both sat down and gazed out the window.

"Have you cleaned your apartment, little miss?" The man asked with a smile, causing her to nervously avert her gaze and shake her head.

The man let out a sigh and softened his expression. "Come on, little miss, you can't rely on the cleaners. You have to clean your apartment yourself, okay?"

"....Fine...." she sighed and glanced outside, appearing bored. "Oh, I thought you were going to shave your silver beard. Why haven't you done it yet?"

The man sighed. "My wife asked me to keep it for now. She really liked it, she said." She nodded and fell silent for a while.

"Oh, how is your wife doing?" The man appeared curious and let out a sigh.

 "I honestly haven't had the time to plan anything, given that I'm saving up for my wife's treatment.""What... did... you... just say?"

The atmosphere became tense as she glared at the man with a menacing expression. "What did I say about asking for help when you need it?" The man sighed and gently patted her head, calming her down.

"Listen, little miss, you're already paying me too much. I'd feel guilty asking for more money just for the treatment. I appreciate your offer and assistance, but it's just too much to ask of you," the man said with a smile before releasing her head. She maintained her emotionless expression, but the man could sense that she was on the verge of tears.

"Okay, but next time, please check with me first if you genuinely require the treatment," the man nodded cheerfully and stood up and smiling at her. "Certainly, young lady, I will remember. I'll go now the others should arrive shortly to open and commence their shift, so please wait for them and prepare to work as well."

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