Chapter 1: The House Amidst the Snow

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The windows of the Russian house looked out over a snowy landscape, white as far as the eye could see. The isolation was almost palpable, a distance between them and the world that seemed to stretch infinitely. Inside, the silence was broken only by the crackling of the fire.

Chuuya was the first to wake, his eyes slowly narrowing as though every fiber of his body fought against an invisible weight.

He rose, confused, trying to orient himself. He didn't recognize the place. Everything felt... wrong. He tried to piece together fragments of his memory, but his mind was a labyrinth of shadows and broken images.

On the other side of the room, Dazai stirred in the bed next to him, dark hair disheveled against the pillow. He too seemed lost, his gaze hazy, his brow furrowing as he tried to sit up.

"Where are we?" Dazai murmured, his voice hoarse.

"I don’t know" Chuuya replied, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to find comfort in his warmth.

Without warning, the doors opened. A man entered, draped in a long dark fur coat that only enhanced the cold, calculating air surrounding him. Fyodor walked toward them slowly, his lips curling into the faintest smile.

"You’re finally awake," he said in a honeyed tone, his words lingering in the air like mist.

Chuuya glared at him, eyes narrowed. "Who the hell are you?"

Fyodor moved closer, his presence both intimidating and seductive at once. "Ah, Chuuya. Don’t you remember? We’re… bound together. The three of us. You, me, and Dazai." He paused, tilting his head. "We’re engaged."

Dazai stared at him, confusion etched on his face. "Engaged?" he repeated slowly, as if trying to make sense of the word.

Fyodor nodded, his dark eyes gleaming with a strange light. "Yes, for some time now. We live here, far away from everything. Just the three of us. It’s... perfect, don’t you think?"

Chuuya felt something was wrong. Yet, the insistence in Fyodor’s voice, the way he looked at the two of them as if it were the most natural thing in the world, began to seep through his defenses. "Why don’t I remember anything?" he muttered, suspicion beginning to take root.

Fyodor stepped closer to him, gently brushing a strand of hair from his face. "An accident, Chuuya. You and Dazai were hurt badly... I did everything to save you both, but... not all the memories returned. Still, the important thing is that now, we’re here. Together."

Dazai, who had been silent until then, slowly approached. "Still... it feels strange" he whispered, his eyes fixed on Fyodor , "Are we really engaged?"

Fyodor smiled again, but this time there was something darker in his gaze. "Do you really want me to prove it, Dazai?" his voice was low, almost a whisper.

A shiver ran down Chuuya’s spine. Despite the apparent confusion, a part of him felt a connection with Fyodor. A bond he couldn’t explain.

"Prove it," Dazai replied, his tone teasing, typical of him.

Fyodor stepped forward, his eyes now locked on both of them. "Very well."

The Russian slowly guided them to the couch in front of the fireplace. Chuuya felt a mix of tension and rising curiosity. Fyodor made them sit side by side, his fingers grazing their necks, cold as the ice outside. His hands seemed to explore and command at the same time, skilled at creating an electric energy between them.

"Do you remember this?" Fyodor whispered, moving slowly toward Dazai, his lips inches from his. "This is how we always started, you and I... then you would call him over."

Dazai squinted, his mind struggling to remember. Yet, he felt something stir inside him, a hidden desire, a connection he couldn’t explain.

"Chuuya," Fyodor continued, gazing at him with those deep, mysterious eyes. "Do you remember how jealous you were of Dazai? But then... you liked it when we were together. You liked being at the center of our attention."

Chuuya stiffened, his mind screaming that something was wrong, but his body responded differently. Fyodor’s presence, so close and dominating, was confusing him. He couldn’t deny that part of him wanted to believe those words, even though he knew they were false. He felt like a toy in their hands, and somehow, that feeling wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

"We need to regain what we’ve lost," Fyodor said, his voice now almost hypnotic. "Let me show you who you really are."

Dazai, who usually could tell when someone was playing with him, seemed uncertain for the first time. His hand moved slowly toward Chuuya, as if he sought comfort, an anchor amid the chaos.

Chuuya found himself responding to the touch, his fingers intertwining with Dazai’s as Fyodor watched, pleased.

"This is how it’s supposed to be," Fyodor murmured, the smile slowly returning to his lips. "The three of us. Always together."

As the fire crackled, illuminating their figures on the wall, Chuuya and Dazai, still trapped in a haze of confusion and desire, began to yield. Fyodor had ensnared them in a dangerous game, and as the snow continued to fall outside, it seemed that none of them could escape.


Hi, this is my first story.
I'm a fan of BSD (bungo stray dog).☆

Sorry, but english is not my first language, so there might be some errors.♡

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