Chapter 4: The Battle Inside

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Chuuya stood still, his body like a puppet on strings, his mind submerged in a torrent of confusion. He could still feel Fyodor’s presence—cold, unsettling, but somehow comforting in its inevitability. The memories Fyodor had planted swirled inside his head, pulling him deeper into their fabricated warmth. But beneath that, somewhere hidden in the recesses of his consciousness, something fought back.

A part of him—small, defiant—raged against the lie. It recoiled at the false intimacy, the twisted affection Fyodor had forced into his mind. This isn’t real. That voice, sharp and angry, whispered harsh truths he didn’t want to hear. Fyodor is a snake. You hate him. You hate Dazai. You’ve always hated Dazai.

The stronger part of him, the part now caught in the illusion, pushed back. No, we belong together. Fyodor loves me. Dazai… we’ve always been connected. Always.

But that voice, that small rebellious part of him, refused to quiet down. You’ve never loved either of them! You’ve spent years hating Dazai’s smug face, his constant superiority, his manipulations. And Fyodor? He’s even worse. He’s a monster, Chuuya! He’s using you. You know this.

Chuuya’s hands clenched into fists, his breathing becoming shallow. His mind felt like it was being torn apart from the inside. Images flashed before his eyes—Fyodor’s gentle touch, Dazai’s familiar smirk, their shared moments that felt too real to be a lie. But then came the memories that burned, the ones that clashed against the illusion: every fight with Dazai, every betrayal, every smirk that made his blood boil. Every dark glance from Fyodor that had always screamed of hidden danger, of manipulation.

You’re not in control! You’ve never been in control!

The rebellious part of him screamed, louder now, trying desperately to reclaim ground, trying to rip him away from the comforting lie the Book had woven. You’re a fighter! You don’t belong to anyone but yourself! Fight it, Chuuya!

Chuuya gritted his teeth, a growl rising in his throat as he pressed his hands to his head, trying to shut out the internal war raging inside him. “Shut up… Shut up!” His voice trembled, caught between rage and confusion. His body tensed, torn between wanting to lash out and wanting to surrender to the warmth of Fyodor’s illusion.

But then, like a wave of freezing cold water, the other side pushed back with brutal force.

Fyodor loves you. Dazai is your partner. They are all you have. You belong with them. You belong to them.

The memories of the snowy streets, of Fyodor’s gentle hand guiding him, of Dazai’s ever-watchful presence beside him—they flooded back with an intensity that left him breathless. They were vivid, too vivid, overwhelming his senses. They’ve always been there. They’ve always cared for you. You belong together.

The opposing voice, the one trying to pull him away, began to weaken. No! This isn’t right! You hate them—Dazai’s manipulation, Fyodor’s cruelty. You know this!

But it was faltering. Weaker. Each time it spoke, it sounded more distant, less convincing. The false memories, the ones Fyodor had planted, were growing stronger, more real than anything else. Chuuya felt himself slipping, felt the rebellious part of him, the part that clung to reality, fading.

I can’t keep fighting this… A sharp pain stabbed through his head, and for a moment, he doubled over, gasping for breath.

But then, the warmth of the illusion engulfed him again, like a comforting embrace. Fyodor’s voice echoed in his mind, soft and soothing. “You don’t have to fight, Chuuya. Just let go.”

Chuuya’s breathing steadied. Let go. Stop fighting. Just… accept it.

The rebellious voice grew fainter, almost a whisper now. You can’t trust them… You never could…

But it was already too late. Chuuya was slipping deeper into the illusion, the warmth, the comfort of it all. He could feel the chains of the Book tightening around his mind, locking him into place. And the truth, the bitter truth, was that he no longer wanted to fight.

The voice of defiance faded into nothing, like a dying flame. It’s easier this way.

His body relaxed, the tension leaving his muscles as he stood upright once again. His mind felt quiet now, the conflict gone, replaced by a serene acceptance. The memories of hatred, of distrust, of rebellion were gone, swallowed up by the false memories Fyodor had crafted for him.

Chuuya’s lips curved into a small smile, soft and content. I’m theirs. I’ve always been theirs.

The other side of him—the side that had fought so hard, the side that had once rejected Fyodor’s lies and Dazai’s manipulations—was gone now, erased completely. There was no more struggle, no more battle inside him.

He belonged to them.

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