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The rest of the day passes by, and Evan finds himself thinking about the interaction he had with you. He couldn't help but feel a strange mix of annoyance and fascination whenever he thought about you. Your bravery and audacity have caught him off guard, and he couldn't shake the idea that maybe you were challenging him. Throughout the day, he finds himself scanning the hallways for any sign of you, almost hoping for another chance encounter.

As the final class of the day comes to an end, He stands by his locker, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of you. He was about to leave when he caught a glimpse of you walking down the hallway. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he followed you with his eyes, watching your every move. With a quick decision, Heeseung decides to follow you, curious to see what you are up to.

He quickly grabs his bag and follows you, making sure to keep a discreet distance. He watches as you turn down a quiet corridor, and he realizes that you are heading toward the back exit of the school. He slows his pace, taking care not to draw attention to himself. As he watches you push open the back door and step outside, he quickens his pace and follows you out.

As He steps outside, he finds himself in the school's secluded backyard. The area is usually deserted during class hours, and he immediately realizes that you must have come here for some peace. He hangs back near the door, watching as you walk a few steps away and lean against a tree, gazing up at the sky.

"You can come out of your hiding place, tallass tree."

Evan is pleasantly surprised that you have noticed his presence, and he chuckles softly, stepping out from his spot near the door and approaching you.

"Well, well, well. You're more observant than I thought. Didn't expect you to know I was there."

-"Didn't expect you to follow my ass.."

He smirks as he walks closer, leaning against the tree next to you.

"I guess I couldn't resist the temptation. You're a bit of a mystery, and I'm not one to back away from a challenge. Besides, I wanted to see what you were up to, all alone back here."

-"Why? Am I forbidden to have some alone time?"

He shrugs a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Of course not, it's just that spending alone time in the backyard seems a bit lonely. What's the point of hiding away like that when there's the whole world to explore?"

-"Sometimes hiding is better. And lonely? There's a huge difference between lonely and alone."

He raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued by your response. He didn't expect you to have such a philosophical outlook on solitude.

"Interesting perspective. I suppose there is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. But still, why choose to seclude yourself when there's the opportunity to socialize?"

-"I hate people.. Isn't that obvious?"

He chuckles again, finding your bluntness amusing.

"Oh, trust me, it's very obvious. You're not exactly a people person, are you?"

-"You can already see it. Why asking for a clarification letter?"

He rolls his eyes, but can't help but crack a small smile.

"Fair enough. But you know, hating everyone isn't exactly a productive attitude. Life's too short to be so bitter and closed off."

-"Well. Life is too chaotic to explore in with more chaos."

He leans back against the tree, his eyes scanning your face as he speaks.

"That's one way to look at it. But have you ever thought that maybe blending in isn't the point? Maybe it's about finding your path and carving your place in life, even if it means standing out from the crowd."

-"Working in silence and achieving is better than letting people affect your ability to focus."

He nods slightly, impressed by your no-nonsense attitude.

"I see your point. Working in silence and avoiding unnecessary interference does sound like a more efficient way to accomplish things. But wouldn't it get lonely sometimes, doing everything on your own without any support or companionship?"

-"Being alone is better than being in chaos."

He furrows his eyebrows, genuinely interested in understanding your perspective fully.

"But surely there must be some people worth being around. Not everyone is chaotic and negative. Don't you have any friends, acquaintances, or even just people you can tolerate being around?"

-"Better being alone."

Evan lets out a small sigh, realizing that he can't get through to you.

"Alright, I get it. You're a lone wolf, no need for anyone else. But don't you ever get bored of always being by yourself? Don't you miss having someone to talk to, goof around with, or share your thoughts with?"

-"Journal is enough."

He chuckles softly, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're something else. Relying on a journal for companionship? Don't you crave actual human interaction?"

-"Humans are tiring."

He raises an eyebrow, slightly amused.

"I won't deny that there are some disingenuous people out there, but not everyone is like that. Some good people genuinely care and want to support you. It's just a matter of finding them in the sea of deceit."

-"Just know, I have trust issues."

With that, you leave the place.

Evan watches you walk away, a mix of curiosity and frustration. He has underestimated how guarded you are, and your trust issues piqued his interest even more. There was something about your mystery that drew him in, and he found himself wanting to peel back the layers and delve deeper into your complex personality.

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