Chapter 30.

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"Changed your mind have you, Tommy boy?" Samantha sneered as she heard footsteps bounding up the stairs, taken aback to see Thomas stood there with a wild look in his eyes. He was panting, breathing heavily with his hands balled into fists. He didn't even know where to begin.

"You are such a lying little whore, Samantha", he spat at her, walking over the bed and ripping the quilt off of her, revealing her naked state. There was no surprise that she didn't move to cover herself. She was quite acquainted to people seeing her body without clothes. Half the basket ball team had told him so. Why in God's mind had he came here today? For closure? To try make amends? Who knew. He certainly didn't. His head had been a mess.

"Get up."

It was a demand, and when she didn't move, he grabbed her by the wrist, wrenching her from the bed and throwing her onto the duvet that was now on the floor. She cried out as she fell on her knee cap, clutching it to her chest. Tears streaked down her cheeks as she looked up at a crazed Thomas; any sign of the boy she once lusted for was gone. This Thomas was infuriated, captivated by his rage and sadness.

"I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you tell me you lied about us sleeping together."

"I didn't lie", Sam whimpered pitifully, still holding her knee against her chest. This made Thomas even more angry. He flipped over her bedside table, photograph frames smashing, her lamp breaking, her drink of water flooding the floor.

"Tell me the truth!" Thomas bellowed, leaning down with a tight fist, pulling his arm back as he threatened her with violence.

"Thomas, what are you doing?!" Annie screeched, grabbing his elbow and pulling him away from Sam, or rather, attempting to. But he'd gone mental, all rationality gone. He snatched his arm back from Annie roughly, making her stumble and fall to the floor, cutting her head open on the corner of the now toppled over bedside table.

The blood slowly trickled down both of their heads as Thomas carefully turned his attention to her, the two of them staring at each other. There it was again. The connection; her scars turning into his scars.

Gabe and Sam both looked at them with furrowed eyebrows, not quite understanding what had happened just now. They both had a cut on their forehead, but only Annie had fallen. Dang it! Nobody was meant to know about their connection. He still didn't understand it himself, but more than that, he didn't understand why Annie started smiling at him.

"We're soulmates", she mumbled, reaching her hand out for him to help her up, which he complied to. She stood in front of him, repeating herself just in case he hadn't heard her.

"We're soulmates. The psychic in the airport told me. We were lovers in a past life, that's why this keeps happening Thomas. We're connected."

Thomas' heart was pounding. He didn't believe in gypsies, but it all made total sense. The scars, the dream, the feeling that they'd known each other for years.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" Sam laughed from the floor. Her knee obviously wasn't causing her as much grief as Thomas had hoped. He was about to retort with some witty comment but Annie passed him, kicking Sam hard in the ribs, ignoring the fact she was naked.

It was out of character for her, but Sam deserved the vicious beating that Annie was about to inflict. Unfortunately for her, Gabe pulled her away from Sam, restraining her while her legs flailed in the air.

"Let me go!"

"Forget it Annie, she's not worth the effort. I have a much better revenge plan", Gabe smirked, pulling his phone out with a naked, provocative picture of Sam on it. Her face dropped, turning as white as a ghost. He was pleased then, all three of them were.

"W-What...How did you get that?"

Gabe rolled his eyes - something he seemed to do a lot. He was as bad as Annie biting her lip.

"Don't pretend you don't know, Sam. The night after the party? When we slept together? You used me to plant the condom to frame Thomas. We'll call this a policy."

Samantha was at a loss for words. She glanced between all three of them, clutching her bruised rib. She didn't have a comeback for this.

"If you don't leave Thomas and Annie alone, lets just say this little photo of yours will somehow make its way onto the internet on several porn sites."

Sam just quietly nodded, watching as the three of them turned their backs and left.

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