"He's staring at me..."

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This is sooo awkward. In every lesson today, at some point, Alex has been staring at me. Why? I know he still likes Candice, so why stare at me? I mean, I'm not the best looking girl, am I?!

Why would he stare at me? Does he have feelings for me, and doesn't want to show them; or are there only sparks of feelings; does he have a crush on me?!

Wow, I think way too much!

When you are crushing on someone, do you ever just sit there and think of how many perfect ways they could ask you out? I do that a lot, and I mean a lot...


I'm with my friends at lunch and Alex comes over to our group and asks to talk to me,

"Can I talk to you for a second?"


He takes me over to a quiet corner and pauses before taking a giant breath and blurting out,

"Will you go out with me?"


"I've kinda liked you for ages I just didn't have the courage to tell you. And I wanted it to happen naturally, so I acted like I liked Candice so they wouldn't peer pressure me into asking you out and getting loads of attention."

"Really? That's so sweet. My answer is yes, I will go out with you!"

He walks me back to my group and says he'll see me in the next lesson. Everyone stares at me as if they are expecting a story, so I tell them and they all said in chorus,


They obviously knew it would happen at some point.


Sorry my last update was so short, but I hope this is longer and more enjoyable. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoy it.xxx

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