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Siobhan POV:

I was in the office, listening to Marjorie drone on about needing more apprentices. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Marjorie, we don't need any more apprentices. What we need right now are actual qualified staff members." I told her.

"That's how you get them, you train the apprentices while they're young and interested and then they become official members!! My god Siobhan, why aren't you getting it!!" she exclaimed.

"Why am I not getting it??! Marjorie, look at Carly, she's been working here for almost 4 years now and yet she is still an apprentice. She has not changed a bit."

"Yeah..But that's a..different....problem.." she looked unsure.

"What I'm saying is that we don't have the time, we need staffs, NOW."


"End of the conversation." I cut her off.

She looked at me with hateful eyes but as she was about to storm off, a parent came in.

"I need to talk to one of you." the woman demanded.

Marjorie shot me a look.

"I'm sure that Siobhan here would love to talk with you." she said with a sly smile.

I looked back and mouthed "I hate you." and I know that she noticed because just as she left the office, she stuck her tongue out to me, what a child.

"What do you want?" I asked, irritated.

"There's a lady out there who's being rude and just told me to shut up."

"What is this, a preschool? Why are you telling me this?"

"That's just disrespectful and I want you to deal with it now!!"

She continued to insist even though I said no. God this woman makes me want to jump out of the window.

"FINE. I will. Just stop whining about it." I snapped.

"Who is it?" I asked her as I looked out of the window.

"That woman in the blue striped shirt."

My eyes widened, it was Viv.

"I-I'll talk to her."

"Good." she said.

I left the building and walked to the parking lot where I found Viv scrolling on her phone.

"Viv!!" I called out. She looked up from her screen and smiled at me.

"Hiya Bon-Bon, you ok?"

"Hi Viv, I'm fine, you?"

"I've never been better." she smirked, pride evident in her beautiful green eyes.

"Is it because you just told a woman to shut up?"

She looked at me surprised.

"How did you know?!"

"She just came to the office to whine and cry about it, what happened?"

"That woman came up to me and Jamie and she proceeded to tell him that he was a mean bully. At first, I tried being nice, I asked her what he did and she told me that he didn't share his toy with her son."

"She got mad over that??"

"Yes, can you believe that?! Anyways, I told her that he just didn't wanna share that toy and that it meant alot to him but she began to tell me that I was a bad mother and I shouldn't teach him this type of stuff. That's when I lost it and told her to piss off and to shut up."

"Damn Viv.."

"I only did what was right, to be honest I could've just tackled her right then and there, but I really don't need a restraining order."

"You did what was right, Viv."

"Thanks Bon. Anyways, I got you some coffee on my way here."

"Aw thank you Viv, you shouldn't have."

"Nah, plus I still haven't repaid you for the coffee you bought me last time, I owed you one."

At that moment, I did something I thought I'd never do. I held out my hand to her.

"You idiot, what do you think you're doing, this is wrong." I kept telling myself.

She looked confused but to my surprise she took my hand.
Our fingers intertwined. Her hand was warm, it felt comforting. I liked being with Viv.

We stayed like that for about 5 mins, I didn't want to let go, she was all I had.

"Siobhan!!" someone called out.

The sudden noise startled me. I let go of her hand. It took me some time to recognize that voice but I knew that voice. That annoying, stupid voice...

"Marjorie." I hissed.

I sighed in annoyance before looking back at Viv.

"It'll be fine Bon." She smiled.

I smiled back at her.

"Well I better get going, see you later Bon-Bon!" She waved at me.

"Bye Viv." I smiled as she got in her car and drove off.

I let out a sigh before heading back inside.

I walked straight to the office and placed my coffee on the table, when I noticed it had some writing on it. It said "Have a great day Bon-Bon" with a heart next to it. I couldn't help but flash a smile. I loved that nickname.

"There you are, what took you so long??" she said, hands on her hips and eyes narrowing.

I quickly turned the coffee to face the opposite way so that the writings weren't visible.

"A problem with a parent." I replied.

"It sure took you a lot of time." she said, a hint of doubt in her voice.

I rolled my eyes before getting back to my work.


"What." I said annoyed.

"You smell like Ghost perfume." she said, smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17 ⏰

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