Chapter 4

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Did he kiss me? Or did he not?

I wasn't even sure. It happened so fast, I wasn't even sure. I told Bailey about it. I was convinced he did, because my adrenaline was insane and I couldn't even keep it straight in my head. Bailey was done with this. She just found out she was moving to Colorado. Very soon. And she was NOT going to leave me here, in this situations. "You're going to tell someone Jenna, or else I am."

Of course, that majorly pissed me off, I knew it was wrong, but I didn't want the attention to end. I didn't want to spend the rest of the time I had with her fighting either. "Okay. I will tell." I finally agreed to telling. I had settled on the first person who came to my mind. Griff. My freshman biology teacher who I loved. He's the type of guy you can tell anything, and you just know he is listening. I was going to do it the very next day. I was freaking out.

For seminar, I went to see the teacher in charge of TSA, because it was right next door to Stout. I knew it was the last time I was going to talk to Stout. I was in the TSA instructors room, and we had a competition not long ago. I had a funny story, and I wanted to tell Stout. I walked into his room, with Bailey. "Hey Stouty, wanna hear a funny story?" I said and he swiveled around in his chair "Sure, go." And I began. "Okay, so at the competition we were supposed to draft something and it was really really hard. So, I didn't even try, but guess what I did." He looked a little ticked off that I didn't even try. "What did you do." I laughed and said "I drew two black dots and a nose shape and said 'A polar bear in the snow' isn't that hilarious!" I was cracking up. He normally would of laughed. But today he didn't. "That's not funny, didnt they wonder why you couldn't draw it?" I shrugged. "Nah, it's just cuz you suck." See, me and Stout would always joke about things like this, because we could say things most teachers and students couldn't. "What did you say." He demanded. I smiled "I said you suck at teaching." He glared at me. "What's your problem, Stout?" I asked him. He pointed to the door. "Get out." I put my hands in the air. "Wow okay. But before I go-" "Get out." "What are your opinions on Griff?" I asked, smirking at Bailey. Stout straightened in his chair and said "Get out now, this conversation is over." I laughed my way out of the room, and into the TSA room. "How did that go?" Asked the teacher, Mr Kazits. "Stupid. He's pissed off." I laughed. The door slammed open, and Stout walked right up behind me in the door way. He looked Kazits right in the face. "Tell these girls they are no longer allowed in my room. If they need a computer, they can find their own. I don't want to see them again." This made my mind up. I was for sure telling on him. Kasitz didn't put up with it, and he told me "Something's wrong with him because those are not just his computers. If you need to use one, you can use one." I smiled, and sat down with Bailey. My mind was going a million miles an hour. That's how me and him are ending. I couldn't change it, I couldn't fix it, I couldn't change my mind. I had to tell Griff today.

In 5th block, I emailed Griff.

"Can I talk to you after school?"

"I'm leaving at 2:30 for my sons basketball game."

"What about tomorrow?"

"I will be gone for a college visit with him."

I still have these emails. We settled on me going in right when this class got out. It was his planning period. My heart was beating out of control. I only had 10 minutes until I told. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't concentrate. The bell rang. I met Bailey in the hall, and said "Guess where I'm going." And she said "Right now?" And I said "Yup." And disappeared down the Science hallway.

A Teacher, A Rapist, and A LiarWhere stories live. Discover now