Just the Beginning

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Long AN, please read to understand certain things in the story.

Also please tell me what I am doing well and what I can do better.

And I didn't explain this last chapter; we skipped ahead 3 months after chapter 2.

For the duets, Kori is Italics, Richard is bold, both of them singing together is bold and Italics.


Jason picks me up and spins me and I laugh. What on earth is he doing here; he is supposed to be in Jump City. Wait why is he here in Wayne Manor anyway, how does he know these people. What's going on here?

"What are you doing here?" he asks me after he puts me down.

"What are you doing here?" I ask myself still having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole situation.

"My family lives here, how do you know them?" he asks with that same huge grin plastered on his face that was always on his face when I was around.

"Um I am a friend of Richard" I say remembering that other people were in the room.

He takes a step towards us and there was a slight frown present on his face, "Um how do you two know each other?" he asks with confusion in voice.

"She was like my best friend in Jump City growing up" Jason says and picks me up and spins me, and I giggle again.

He was my best friend. I met him, in second grade, which is when I moved to Jump from Tameran. I was 7, Kom was 11, and Ryan was 5. I was made fun of a lot because, I spoke differently from the other kids, for example, instead of saying, Can I use the restroom, I would say, May I use the room of rest? They also made fun of me because of formal I was. Jason didn't care though, he stood up for me whenever people bullied me, he didn't that I spoke differently; he is the one that helped me with my English. He introduced me to all of his friends; I became especially close with Donna. She is the one I went to with all my girl problems; she is the only one that knows I liked Jason.

It was in 9th grade when I started having feelings for him, it started off as just a harmless crush, but that grew into something so much more, but that something more could never have been acted on, because my parents and brother died. The day I had to leave I almost told him that I liked him...but that wouldn't have been far to him.

"How do you know Richard?" I ask him.

"He's my brother. Remember Circus boy?" Jason says.

"Wait...he's that Richard?" I say in complete shock.

"Yup" Jason says with a nod.

I turn and look at Richard, Jason told me all about his brothers and his step father, but I didn't know that this was his family. I know pieces about Richard's past, and how his parents died in some freak accident, I remember feeling so bad for Richard after he told me that, even though I didn't know him at the time. He told me about how Bruce adopted him.

I remember him telling me about Bruce, and how he was CEO of Wayne Enterprise, I can't believe I didn't see it before. I am friends with that Richard, and his step dad is that Bruce. I can be so blind! How did I not see this?

"It's really good to see you, how's your sister doing?" he asks bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Still partying hard" I say still trying to process everything.

"Sounds about right, how are you doing though?" he asks with worry in his tone.

I glance at Richard, he still doesn't know about my parents or brother. "I am doing well; Richard and his friends have been very kind to me" I say.

The person who i am now , and who i used to beWhere stories live. Discover now