watto and qui-gon

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Watto reads a small portable monitor he is holding. He stands in front of the hyperdrive.

Watto:...."Here it is... A T-14 hyperdrive generator"!! "You are in luck I'm the only one here who has one.... But thee might as well buy a new ship it would be cheaper, I think.... Saying of which, how's thee going to pay for all this"?

Qui-gon: "I have 20,000 republic dataries".

Watto: "Republic credits"? "Republic credits are no good out here". "I need something more real".

Qui-gon: "I don't have anything else". (Raising his hand.) "But credits will do fine".

Watto: "No they won't". (Qui-gon using his mind power waves his hand again.)

Qui-gon: "Credits will do fine".

Watto: "No they won't".  "What do you think you are some kind of jedi, waving your hand around like that ". "I'm a toydarian". "Mind tricks don't work on me only money". "No money". "No parts"! "No deal"! "And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that".

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