Chapter 2

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Naruto x Uzaki Hitomi: Chapter 2

The next few days were a blur of observation and quiet inquiry for Naruto. He kept his head down, gathering as much information as he could about this new world. The technology, the lack of chakra use, the way people seemed entirely unaware of any higher powers or forces—everything was foreign. But he adapted, as he always did.

Naruto had set up a small, temporary base in an abandoned building not too far from the city center. He didn't need much—a place to rest and gather his thoughts. It wasn't Konoha, but he had learned long ago not to cling to the familiar when survival was on the line.

In between his scouting and silent observation, one name kept running through his mind: Uzaki Hitomi. She hadn't appeared again since their brief encounter, but Naruto knew better than to think that she had just walked away. People like her were never that simple. She'd be back.

And sure enough, she was.

Naruto was seated on the rooftop of an old warehouse, his eyes scanning the skyline as the sun dipped below the horizon. The cool evening breeze tugged at his cloak, and he allowed himself a rare moment of calm.

"You sure know how to pick your spots," came a familiar voice from behind him. Naruto didn't flinch—he'd sensed her coming long before she spoke.

Without turning around, Naruto responded, "Not many people look up. It's a habit I picked up."

Hitomi stepped forward, her boots crunching lightly on the gravel of the rooftop. She came to stand beside him, her arms crossed as she looked out over the cityscape. "You're not from here, are you?"

Naruto's gaze remained fixed ahead, but his mind was already running through options. Denying it would be pointless—she'd already guessed as much.

"No," he admitted. "This world... it's not mine."

Hitomi tilted her head slightly, her amber eyes studying him more carefully now. "I figured as much. You're too... different. There's something about the way you move, the way you act. Like you're always ready for something to jump out at you."

Naruto finally turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "You wouldn't be wrong. Where I come from, if you're not ready, you don't last long."

Hitomi's smirk returned, but it was smaller, almost understanding. "You sound like someone who's seen more than their fair share of fights."

Naruto let out a short, humorless chuckle. "You could say that." He leaned back slightly, resting his hands behind him as he looked up at the darkening sky. "What about you? You're not exactly like the others here, either."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what makes you say that?"

"Most people here don't seem to have your... awareness. You noticed me right away. That's not normal."

Hitomi shrugged casually, but there was an edge to her voice. "I've been around. Learned how to keep my guard up. Not everyone in this world is as clueless as they look."

Naruto nodded. "So, why are you here? Why approach me?"

For a moment, Hitomi seemed to weigh her options. She glanced at Naruto, then out at the city again. "Curiosity. You're an anomaly, and I don't like anomalies I can't figure out."

Naruto couldn't help but smirk slightly at her bluntness. He appreciated it. "And now that you've found me? What do you plan to do?"

Hitomi's eyes narrowed slightly. "That depends. You planning to cause trouble here?"

Naruto's face grew serious, the smirk fading. "No. I just want to understand this place. I didn't come here by choice."

Hitomi studied him for a long moment, then nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "Fair enough. But if you do plan on sticking around, you're going to need to be careful. This world might not have your 'chakra' or whatever you're used to, but that doesn't mean it's safe. There are people out there who'd love to get their hands on someone like you."

Naruto's gaze hardened. "They can try."

Hitomi grinned, this time a bit more genuinely. "Confident, huh?"

Naruto didn't respond right away, his eyes still locked on the horizon. "I've had to be."

Hitomi's expression softened for just a second, a flicker of something passing through her eyes, but it was gone just as quickly. "Look, if you're serious about laying low, I can help. I've got connections. We can get you set up with an identity, make sure no one asks too many questions."

Naruto looked at her with a hint of surprise. "Why help me?"

She shrugged again, but there was more thought behind it this time. "Call it a gut feeling. You're not here to start anything, and you're not like anyone else. That makes you interesting." She paused, then added with a smirk, "Besides, it's not every day you meet a guy who orders black coffee with a face that serious."

Naruto let out a quiet laugh. "Fair enough."

The two stood in silence for a few moments, the sounds of the city below filling the air. For the first time since arriving in this world, Naruto felt like he might have found a potential ally. Hitomi Uzaki was sharp, and while he still didn't fully trust her, there was a mutual understanding forming between them.

"So, what's the plan?" Naruto finally asked.

Hitomi smiled, her amber eyes gleaming in the fading light. "First things first—we get you off the grid. Then we figure out what you're really doing here."

Naruto nodded, standing up and adjusting his cloak. "Lead the way."

As they descended from the rooftop, Naruto couldn't shake the feeling that his time in this world was only just beginning. And with Uzaki Hitomi by his side, it was bound to get a lot more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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