Chapter 1

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hapter 1

Naruto stood in the middle of a bustling street, his sharp blue eyes scanning his unfamiliar surroundings. The world felt... different. The air had a modern feel to it, something far removed from the shinobi villages he had known. No chakra networks in the people walking around. No one armed with kunai or prepared for battle. He frowned, his jaw clenched as he processed the reality.

"This isn't home," he muttered to himself, keeping his voice low. His usual reckless energy was gone, replaced by a more calculated calm. He needed answers, and charging in blindly wasn't going to help. Not anymore.

He found himself standing in front of a coffee shop, its bright neon sign reading "Cafe Blanc." The place looked like an ideal spot to gather information—normal people, normal conversations. He could listen, blend in, and figure out what world he had been thrown into this time.

Naruto took a deep breath and walked inside. The bell above the door chimed as he entered, and the scent of coffee beans and sweet pastries filled his senses. He quickly made his way to a corner table, positioning himself where he could see the entrance and most of the shop, his back against the wall.

After ordering a black coffee—something he'd learned to appreciate for its bitterness—he noticed a young woman sitting alone at a nearby table. She had silver hair tied back in a casual ponytail, her striking amber eyes staring intently at her phone. She seemed familiar somehow, but Naruto couldn't place where he had seen her before.

As she looked up, their eyes met briefly. She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, turning her attention back to her phone. Naruto's instincts, however, were telling him there was more to this woman than met the eye. He watched her subtle movements—calculated, aware of her surroundings, but trying to appear casual.

"Interesting," Naruto muttered under his breath.

His coffee arrived, and he sipped it slowly, his mind already running through possibilities. He couldn't afford to stand out, not without knowing the lay of the land.

Then, the silver-haired woman stood up, grabbing her bag and heading for the door. But just as she passed by Naruto's table, she paused.

"You don't belong here, do you?" Her voice was low, almost challenging. She didn't look directly at him, but Naruto could tell she was talking to him.

Naruto leaned back slightly, his expression neutral. "And what makes you say that?"

"You're too quiet," she responded, still not looking at him. "Guys like you don't sit in coffee shops sipping black coffee unless they're planning something."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Sharp. Most people wouldn't notice that." He took another sip before continuing, his tone calm but measured. "And what makes you think I'm 'planning' anything?"

"Call it a hunch," she finally glanced down at him, her amber eyes locking onto his. "I'm Hitomi Uzaki, by the way. You?"

Naruto considered for a moment. There was no reason to lie, but he wouldn't give away everything just yet. "Naruto. Just Naruto."

Hitomi smirked, though it wasn't an amused one. "Well, 'Just Naruto,' you're not fooling anyone. But for now... I'll let it slide. You seem different from the usual crowd around here."

Before Naruto could respond, Hitomi had already turned to leave. She gave him one last glance over her shoulder, a subtle nod that told him the conversation wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

As the door closed behind her, Naruto felt his muscles relax slightly. She was sharp, smarter than most people he'd met, and for some reason, she seemed to see through his facade.

Naruto took another sip of his coffee, his mind turning over the possibilities. This wasn't a world where he could just rush in and make his presence known. He'd have to play it carefully, learn the rules of this place, and—if need be—make alliances.

But one thing was for certain: Uzaki Hitomi wasn't someone to underestimate.

Outside the cafe, Hitomi leaned against the wall, her phone in hand as she scrolled through her contacts. Her fingers hovered over a name for a moment before she shook her head and pocketed the device.

"That guy... there's something off about him," she muttered to herself. "Better keep an eye on him."

As she walked away, her mind kept replaying the brief conversation. It had been subtle, but there was an edge to Naruto that most people didn't have.

And if her instincts were right, he wasn't just another lost traveler. He was something much more dangerous.

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