The Caetins

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"So whats your name?" she asked me curiously, every time they talk their lips don't move... its like the talk through the mind.

"I don't remember", was my reply, " no one has called me by my name for a long time."

"Sorry to hear that, anyway I'm Claire", she smiled, " I know its not a normal name, but its a name of one of our ancestors."

" these here twins are Luna and Sol, they are my daughters."

"And the men who just left?"

" the first was Guardclaw, my mate, the other is Ravenbeak, his brother."

" you mentioned that I'm a caetin earlier... what is that?"

"don't you know your own race? Say how old are you?"

" I don't know last i checked I was 11"

" what?" 11 moon cycles? oh my you are 7? you look way too old!"

I just stared at her. how stupid can she be? God knows how long its been since the Apocalypse and she thinks I'm seven?

"how old are you? I'd say 34!"

" how dare you! I'm only 14."

OK something is definitely weird

" we are the 10th generation of caetins since the miracle; you have amnesia for sure", she told me

i just kept staring at her. Are you kidding me!

just then her mate comes in and tells me to get going. That I had healed enough.

Something is definitely wrong here and I intend to find out what!

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