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 "Thought I smelled something funny!" the hand squeezed onto my shoulder as it pulled me up forcefully, "IT LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OURSELVES A HERO GUYS!" he yelled to the other Felorns as the all burst into laughter . "Listen kid, you know why you only hear of heroes in stories? Its because they die. The stories you hear are just the outcomes people hoped would come true." with that he shoved me to the ground, "tie him up and put him with the others" he commanded as the two Felorns from earlier rushed over to me and bound my hands. i got a small feel to one of them's wrist and the light thing happened again as more pain jolted through me, but they didn't notice it, they were too focused on throwing me into a cage to care. 

 "Lets me go!" I demanded but they scoffed and laughed as they walked away leading the other Felorns into which cage to throw who. To my right i saw Lecus breathing heavily and his wound was plastered by a leaf, the Rydon thyme, and next to him where Luna and Claire. "where is Margaret?" I asked them to no reply, they just cried over Lecus who was clearly in so much pain. "Hey he needs medical attention asap!" I cried to the Felorn who all burst into laughter and their leader walked over to me. "I told you kid quit being a hero, or people will start reciting stories of how they wished your actions turned to be" he laughed as he shoved me back into the cage cashing to the floor. I felt anger burn inside me and rose again, "I said help him!" I ordered the Felorn who turned around and grabbed my collar pulling me to the bars. "your starting to annoy me kid! now shut up or suffer my wrath" he belted out with a forceful tone, but I repeated " help him now" with a voice depicting I'm not backing down, "I've been living in the dark for God knows how long, I finally meet people, albeit not normal, i killed a wolf and I don't know how, teleported all over the place, and I'm sure there is something wrong inside me. now help him" my anger was raging now and i was not under my control, my voice turned demonic as a laugh escaped my lips. The Felorns looked at me confused as a smile came across my lips. "Don't mess with this kid, there is more evil within, than you can truly know" came a demonic voice from inside me as my eyes turned black and the world turned dark. I went unconscious for who knows how long. but when I woke up... 

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