Chapter 12

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Optimus ran at a vehicon and threw a solid right hook, knocking the drone off his feet.

The spacedbridge surged after shifting its aim.

As the realization settled in, Optimus looked up towards the Nemesis. He watched as Megatron launched a hunk of dark energon in the direction of the spacebridge.

He tried shooting at the purple chunk hurdling through space, but his effort was fruitless. The dark energon disappeared into the vortex and Optimus felt his spark tighten.

The Autobots gathered around Optimus and they all looked up into the giant vortex.

Bulkhead was the first to speak. "So, how do we beat a whole planet of the undead?"

"Optimus, I'm registering a rapidly expanding mass in their spacebridge vortex, one with a perculiar energy signature," Ratchet spoke over the comms.

"Dark energon," Optimus confirmed. "Ratchet, we must destroy the spacebridge. There's enough live energon coursing through it to achieve detonation, but we lack the fire power to ignite it."

"If I knew how the spacebridge was engineered I might find a technical way of accomplishing that feat," Ratchet gruffed.

"Would schematics help?" Raf's voice popped over the line.

"Optimus, I must say the spacebridge is our sole hope of ever returning to Cybertron. Are you certain its destruction is the only option?"

The Prime lowered his gaze, thinking about the opportunity to see is home once again, even if it was plagued with ruin. "I am afraid so."

"Then by all means, let us light our darkest hour."

"Autobots, take your positions and follow Ratchet's lead," Optimus instructed as he turned back towards the warship. "While I make my stand."

Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee retreated while Ratchet guided them beneath the spacebridge.

Bumblebee glance back for a moment and saw Megatron land in front of Optimus. He let out a whir as he continued to run with the others.

"The boss will be fine. He's got this," Bulkhead reassured.

Once below the bridge, Arcee commed in.

"Ratchet, we're in position."

"Arcee, pay close attention," Ratchet spoke as he watched Raf pull up the schematics. "Directly under you three is a panel. Remove it."

Bumblebee and Bulkhead lifted the panel and Arcee asked for the next step.

"There is two glowing orange pipes that run perpendicular. Where they cross is a panel with three switches. Flip the two outside switches."

Arcee leaned down and flipped the two designated switches. "Got it."

"Now follow the line from the flow regulator to the energon pump. There should be a valve."

"I see it," Arcee said as she brought the valve up from the mechanics around it.

"Good. To turn all that power against itself, all you need do is reverse the current."

Arcee grabbed the handles and used all her strangth to turn it into reverse.

"Current reversed."

"I'll ready the groundbridge."

Blaster fire began to rain down on them from above. The three Autobots turned to return fire, finding Megatron as the culprit.

He circled back around and sprayed them with fire, narrowly dodging their blaster fire. And he got a lucky hit.

Arcee let out a cry as the direct shot knocked her back, sending her floating as her gravitizers deactivated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2024 ⏰

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