~Chapter 1~

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The sound of heavy footsteps was the only thing Killua could hear over the blood rushing in his ears as he ran. Usually inaudible, but in his desperation Killua couldn't bring himself to care. He had to get away, and this was his last chance. His calf muscles screamed in protest as he ran, still incredibly worn out from training the night before. It had been two years after he'd been forced back into the family business. Two whole years of pretending to leave his 'rebellious phase' and accepting his position as the head of the family. Fuck that, I need to get out of here. He desperately wanted to head back to Alluka, but Killua knew it would be a mistake. The butlers would just follow me there, and then Illumi would get his hands on her.

Killua let out a hiss of pain as he ran, the wounds from last night's endurance training beginning to throb from the movement. He'd need to deal with those eventually, but right now there wasn't time. Where can I go where they won't think to look for me? And I need a damn Nen exorcist too. He was sure Illumi stuck a needle in him again somewhere, but Killua couldn't figure out where it was. "Silence" was the one-word command. If he so much as tried to form even a syllable, it would hurt like hell. Killua could still make other various noises, but he couldn't utter a word. It was much easier to just tell people he was mute, rather than attempting to explain the truth.

Killua's muscles tensed as he sensed several presences behind him. No doubt they were butlers. Dammit, I can't run any faster than this. His eyes desperately searched for something, anything that could give him the edge. At that exact moment, Killua spotted something. It was far in the distance, and beginning to shrink. However, he could see some sort of gateway or portal. I think I could make it before it closes, but if I run at full speed I might fracture something. Killua threw a glance over his shoulder at the suited figures rapidly approaching, then glanced back at that rapidly closing gateway. Upon being faced with the choice of entering a possibly dangerous place, or being dragged back home. Killua found that he'd gladly choose the unknown. Fractures be damned, Killua wasn't about to give up his freedom again. With one last desperate burst of speed, he slid into the shrinking gateway moments before it slammed shut behind him.

As soon as he slid through, he was greeted harshly by thick clouds of smoke and a cacophony of screams from around him. Killua swiveled his eyes to take in his surroundings, realizing he seemed to be in the middle of some sort of crisis. The building he was standing on was on fire, with alarming creaking and rending noises coming from beneath his feet. It's gonna collapse. Killua realized, sticking his head out of a nearby window. All the screaming seemed to be coming from outside the building, no voices were coming from inside. There were crowds of civilians gathered nearby, as well as some people in strange outfits attempting to put out the fire. Today just isn't my fucking day, is it? Killua grumbled internally, preparing to leap off the edge.

Just as he was about to jump, Killua heard a muffled sob from behind him. He froze, glancing behind him. There was a little boy about half his age sitting huddled under a desk, crying. "What's happening? Mommy where are you.." Why isn't he running? Killua walked over to him, kneeling beside the boy. His head snapped up, but he wasn't looking at Killua. "Who's there?" It wasn't until Killua caught sight of his cloudy irises that Killua realized what was happening. Killua quickly scooped the boy up in his arms, holding him close. He couldn't speak to him, but Killua hoped his gentle touch would be enough to keep him calm. Tiny hands gripped onto his shoulders for stability, the blind boy's tears staining his shirt. I can't just leave him here to die. The whole point of running away was that I stopped killing people. If I saw him and just left...it would be like I murdered him.

Killua wasn't sure where he stood morally anymore.

It was all so confusing. Sometimes he enjoyed killing people, other times he hated it. Frequently, he'd feel nothing at all when he took a life. He couldn't tell if it was Illumi messing with his head again or if it was just his own twisted way of thinking. All that mattered was that his life was in his own hands. The building lurched dangerously beneath his feet again, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. Killua braced himself, enforcing his legs with as much aura as possible to cushion the fall he was about to take. Five stories is a lot, and I don't have time to look for an easier way down. This building could cave in at any moment.

Without a moment's hesitation, Killua leaped out of the window, eyes narrowing as he braced himself for a harsh landing. Just as he was about to land, the ground directly under him seemed to turn rubbery and begin to puff up with air. He hesitated for a moment, bracing for an attack. However, when he hit the ground, he sank into it slowly. Killua blinked, confused. He didn't sense a Nen user around here... "Kid! Let's get you to a hospital, you're bleeding pretty badly." One of the men in strange outfits told him, placing a hand on Killua's shoulder. "What you did was very heroic young man. You should be proud of yourself." Another of them said. Killua held out the shivering child to one of them, then began to walk away with a dismissive wave of his hand. What happened next wasn't his problem.

Killua would rather handle things on his own anyway.

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To Be Continued...

I've had this one in my head for a while, or at least something similar. I can't remember if I already posted a book of the same title, I know I at least started working on it but the plot was much different than this one. anyways I hope you enjoy Shippers!

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