~Chapter 2~

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It took an annoyingly long time to shake off those strangers. They claimed to be 'professional heroes', whatever the fuck that meant. He staggered into a forest behind a residential area, leaning hard against a tree with his shoulder. He was completely and utterly worn out. The blood loss was starting to get to him, as well as the exhaustion from running so hard with those injuries. The blood soaked through his clothing, dripping onto the leaf molt below. He sat heavily on the cleanest patch of earth he could find, trying to calm his heart rate. I need to stop the bleeding, and fast. But all I have are the clothes I'm wearing right now. Damn, he really should've thought things through more when he ran away from home.

But there wasn't time to think.

In fact, attempting to escape while in that condition was the only reason he'd even been able to pull it off. Killua had several butlers following him around at all times, including missions. It had been like that ever since he'd returned home. So he had to make a break for it when they least expected it, it was the only way to ensure the guard around him would have a gap he could slip through. It was a hell of a gamble but that paid off.

Killua tugged his shirt off and tore the fabric into strips, tying each one tightly around his body to cover as many wounds as possible. It's not perfect, but it should keep me from bleeding out until I get these dealt with properly. The only wounds he hadn't tended to at this point were a rather shallow cut on his cheek which wasn't worth wasting materials on, and a fractured humerus. Killua couldn't exactly fix that until he got better supplies, but for now he just kept his arm as still as possible.

Killua mulled over the options in his head. He could go to a hospital, but from his interaction earlier hunters didn't seem to be very popular there. Once the strange 'professional hero' had refused to let him walk away, he'd shown his hunter's license so they'd back off, but it only confused the man. He was certain that going to a hospital could lead to a whole lot of roadblocks. Assuming they didn't already know who he was, they'd definitely be questioning how he'd gotten all those injuries. If I can find some underground clinic, then it might work. But I don't have cash on me.

Another option he had was to break into someone's house and hope they had what he needed. There were plenty nearby. But if it comes to a fight, that'll get pretty dangerous. He wasn't sure how much more quick movement his body could take until it started to cease to function properly. The pain Killua could handle, but if he lost control of his body like that he'd be extremely vulnerable. Not to mention my legs are all fucked up. Damn, who knew trying to run like hell after getting tortured the previous night would lead to this.

Killua was contemplating whether or not to haul himself to his feet and at least start doing something when he heard a faint noise from outside the tree line. He froze, eyes riveted on where he heard the noise from. Was that an animal? He could definitely win a fight against an animal even in this condition, but it would be optimal if he didn't have to move at all. So Killua briefly let out a threatening wave of bloodlust that would be sure to send any animal running no matter how fearsome they were. To Killua's surprise, there was no movement. Which means that wasn't an animal, it was a person. Unlike animals, humans tended to freeze when met with such an aggressive aura.

"Is someone there?"

It was a woman's voice. Killua couldn't see her yet but her tone held no malice. He loathed that he couldn't speak, but didn't he want this woman to walk away because he didn't respond. This is probably my best chance yet. Worst case scenario she knows my identity and tries to run. Then he'd have to kill her. Killua glanced at his surroundings, spotting an abandoned rusty can in the grass beside him. Killua lifted the can with his unbroken arm and knocked it twice against the trunk of the tree he was leaning against. With each strike, a metallic sound rang out.

Killua could sense the woman approaching, and he dropped the can into the grass. He was torn between making himself look extra pitiful, or playing his wounds off like it was no big deal. The former would increase the odds of sympathy, but I don't think my pride could take that. He despised appearing weak in front of others, even so much as crying in front of others. The stranger finally came into view. A tan woman with spiked blonde hair and wary crimson eyes peered into the forest, alarm crossing her face as she spotted him. He held up a hand to wave, trying to appear friendly. It was a pain in the ass not being able to speak.

"Oh my god!"

She exclaimed, rushing forward. It was a very normal reaction considering that Killua was just a random teenager in the woods covered in blood-soaked strips of his own shirt, blood pooling beneath him. "Shit, you need to get to a hospital. Why are you out here all by yourself?" The blonde exclaimed, grabbing her phone to call someone. Dammit, I don't want to go to a hospital! Killua grabbed the phone from her hand, quickly navigating to the notepad app. The woman hesitated, peering down at what he was doing. I can't go to a hospital, do you have bandages at your house? The woman's concerned frown deepened as she read what he was typing. "Why can't you go to a hospital? I'm not a medical professional. I have bandages but-"

Killua continued to type on the app, gritting his teeth against the pain as her hand touched his broken arm. I ran away from home. They'll ask for my parents. I know how to deal with these wounds I just need supplies. He glanced up at her with a pleading expression, hoping she listened to him. The woman nodded and gently slid an arm under his legs as she prepared to carry him. "Shit I need to call my husband. Hang in there kid." She said, lifting him into her arms. Killua rested his mostly uninjured arm over her shoulder with a nod.

"Masaru, honey, can you do me a favor?"

1107 words

To Be Continued...

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