Try To Fit In (Diary Of A Grade 6 Nobody)

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This is something that is really happening to a girl and I'm hear to tell her story!

It's not a very sad or dramatic one but, I hope you might like it!

Ill give you a little intro of what her past life has been like in grade 6!

Try To Fit In:

Olive is her name... A girl who just wants to fit in, be normal, have friends!

She used to be best friends with a young girl named Amanda... Amanda and Olive spent every minute with each other!

Olive never knew that being best friends with Amanda was the biggest mistake of her life!


Grade 4:

Olive always hung out with Amanda, every recess, every lunch!

One day, she decided she wanted to play alone!

"Hey Amanda?" Olive asked.

"Ya?!" Amanda replied with a smirk.

"Maybe... Just one every month, we could, maybe, just kinda play alone at recess?" Olive said casually.

"Sure! That's a great way to meet new people!" Amanda then ran off to go play with some other kids!

Olive didn't know that she never should of said that! It was a terrible mistake!!!!

A few weeks later...

Amanda and a shy new girl from their class ran up to Olive and Amanda asked Olive a question that would change her life...

"Can Lila play with us?" Amanda.... Why did you ask that question???? You ruined Olives life...

"Sure! Why not?" Olive answered with enthusiasm.

Lila was the shyest girl Olive and Amanda have ever known. She has a disorder but she uses that as an excuse for EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

Lila only payed attention to Amanda and Olive was left out of everything! Amanda and Lila would always choose each other when it was time to pick a partner!

Olive was very upset that Lila took over Amanda and Olives friendship!

Later on, they all started to include each other but Amanda and Olives friendship was never the same!

Lila cried about EVERYTHING!!!!! When she didn't get her way, she cried! When she didn't get to sit beside Amanda! Everything that didn't go her way she would cry about!!!!! And worst of all... She fake cried!!!!! Olive knew this because Lila told her! It's really stupid!!!!!!

It was like that all the way until...

Grade 5:

Olive didn't really care about popularity or hanging out with "the cool kids" she just liked Amanda and Lila!

Throughout the year, Lila would do something mean and then Olive would get mad and "ignore" her! Olive was tired of being friends with Lila but she couldn't say "Lila I hate you! You're a crybaby and a don't want to be your friend any longer!!!!" If Olive did that... Lila would cry her head off and get Olive in trouble!!!!

The truth always hurts!!!! DEAL WITH IT LILA!!!!!

Lila always gets compliments on EVERYTHING she does!!!! She doesn't even bother to say thank you!!!! She's a snob and a brat!!!!

Lila even admitted to Olive that she'd rather have her friends be insulted then herself! That's just mean!

After Olive would ignore Lila for a while, Lila would go crying to her mommy!!!!

Try To Fit In (Diary Of A Grade 6 Nobody)Where stories live. Discover now