April 8th 2013

35 1 1

<Olive's POV>

The first day back to school and I'm already more miserable than ever!

One day before school I caught a nasty cold! I'm always coughing and my ears and throat hurt like crazy! I was up till 12:00 pm and kept waking up over and over again! I feel exhausted and it's about 7:00 am.

Getting up was a big pain! I'm exhausted and moody! For breakfast all I have is pancakes! And guess what? After I finish eating I get sick right away! Aren't I lucky?

Driving to school isn't much better! I'm having a stress attack and I'm extra angry! My younger sister Bella gets to go on a field trip so she loves to brag nonstop about it! She makes me angrier and angrier!

My mom doesn't want to walk me up to my classroom because she tired of my complaining! She doesn't understand what I'm going through right now! Nobody understands!

Finally! And sadly, the school bells rings and we get to work right away! I'm super stressed and very sick! It must be disturbing to the people around me to listen to me cough and sneeze! I don't like it when people think about me or pay any attention to me! It makes me nervous!

Oh rats! Now my wrist is bleeding! I got a big paper cut right before school and now I'm even more miserable! Is that even possible? It's now around 9:05am or so and I keep gazing back to the clock to try and make time go faster! I'm stuck in is torture room with nothing to do but stupid work! I hate school!!!!!!!!

Wow time seems to go in slow motion! But it's now recess and the time is 10:10am! Since I have no friends right now, all I do at my recesses is sit on a table all by myself and watch my classmates with their friends having fun and being happy! I wish I could do that!

10:30am Sigh! That awful school bell rings once again! Work work and more work! This is soooooo stressful! I can't take it any more! I suddenly burst into tiny drops of tears! I cover them up as best as I can! We're working on a project with a group and I'm never included in my group! The will all work together but never help me! It took nearly five minutes to get Tiffany's attention and ask her for a ruler!

I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing ever goes my way!!! Lunch was a bit better but not until after I finished eating! 11:55 LUNCH!

I get to eat Kraft dinner and... Actually that was my whole lunch! I'm very hungry! And I'm getting quite dizzy! Ill try to shake it off and continue eating! I like to eat all alone in the hallway so that. Don't have to look at all the people sitting together and being friendly to each other!

Friends are so confusing! One minute they're your best friend and the next minute they become a grumpy gorilla! Amanda isn't a good friend anymore! We always fight and I know that she likes Lauren better than me! :( I used to like her as a friend! Now I hate her! She ruined my life! She panted me on April fools day a few years ago and really hurt my feelings! I went home crying that day!

Lauren isn't any better! She thinks she understands what I'm going threw! She thinks she can fix me and that my problems are small and meaningless! They're not meaningless! I get very worked up and depressed! Nobody cares! Arrrg!!!!! I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! IT RUINS EVERYTHING!!!!! I HATE THE GREEKS!!!!!!!! They invented school and math and all that confusing stuff!!!!!

Lunch recess was actually almost nice! Jodi (the girl I desperately want to be friends with) invited me to go play champ with her and some of the boys! I agreed and followed her outside! Jodi is so nice to me! She's the only reason that I don't run away and never come back! Well anyways if you don't know what champ is.. It's just a fun game! It's also known as four squares! I played very quietly so that no one would really notice me! It worked!

NOT THE BELL AGAIN!!!!!!! When the stampede of kids finally calmed down and everyone was in class, it was our music time! We went to music but an announcement came on and told us that their was an assembly in the gym! Whoopty DOO! More boredom! The whole assembly was about the spellathon that we have every year at our school! The whole school sat down in the gym! Everyone sat beside their best friend! I also sat beside my best friend... Me... Jodi and Elaine kept asking me if I was alright but they never bothered to ask if I wanted to sit with them! Oh well! It was probably better that way!

I kept my head on my knees and sat their! My mind kept wandering away to places that seemed happy and bright! That's my fantasy! Happy, bright, friendly and stuff like that! But I know that won't happen! Just like me becoming friends with Jodi and Elaine!

After the assembly we got to go to gym! I don't really like gym! It's stupid and boring! We had to do drills involving basketball! I didn't want to get humiliated so I kinda did the drills but not really! Quarter of a way there, I started feeling funny! My head started pounding and I felt all wobbly, my throat dried up and my vision blurred with tears as I started choking and holding back coughs! I wanted to die right there! The teacher noticed me and then he said something like this

"RUTH ARE YOU OK?" He yelled out to the entire class!!!!

I was scared and I felt like a crybaby! I mean I wanted to disappear and sink into the ground! Why did he have to do that??????

I skipped the rest of the gym class and I felt awful! Lots of people came p to me to ask what was the matter! Amanda, Lauren and Tiffany didn't even bother paying attention to me! Lila (the girl I hate very much) has no feelings towards other people! She thinks every boy in the class in a complete jerk! They aren't! Well some of them aren't! One time she also saw that Amanda was really badly hurt, but guess hat she did... She walked away and ignored her! It was heartless and mean!

I survived the rest of the school day with much pain! But at the end of the da I promised to text Jodi and Elaine about what was bothering me, so I did! It was kinda the same thing I wrote about here!

My mom picked me up about fifth teen minutes late! So I sat there in the freezing g cold weather! I didn't mind! I just numbed my brain so I wouldn't honk about my terrible day!

Home was the same as usual! Boring, stressful, angry and painful!

That's my life!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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