January 5th - The Ice Skater

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Under the pale winter sky ❄️, 
She glides across the frozen lake, her skates carving paths of light ✨. 
Her laughter rings out like the bells of Moscow's cathedrals, 
Echoing in the cold air as she spins and twirls 💫. 

I watch from the edge, my breath forming clouds in the air, 
And I wonder how she moves so freely, 
Like the snow itself chose her to dance upon its surface ❄️. 
Her cheeks are rosy from the cold, her eyes bright with joy, 
And for a moment, I forget the chill that creeps through my bones. 

Maybe she skates here every winter, 
Maybe the ice knows her by name. 
I imagine her life beyond this frozen stage— 
Perhaps she studies in Moscow, or teaches little ones to skate just like her. 

But today, she belongs to the winter, to the ice and the sky, 
And I, too, am caught in her orbit. 

For all the women who find freedom in the winter's cold embrace, 
This poem is for you ❄️🌟.

For all the women who find freedom in the winter's cold embrace,  This poem is for you ❄️🌟

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