Missing animals

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It was a new day at the tree of life and Kion had just woken up and saw that Rani wasn't they

Kion:Morning Rani!

Kion looked up and Rani wasn't they 


Kion:I'll go ask Makini


They was no answer 

Kion:I'll go look for Rani myself 

So Kion walked out of the tree to find her  

Kion:It seems very quiet today*Confused*

So Kion went to search for the day pride 

Kion:Day pride!?

Kion:Where is everyone?

So Kion went to search for the nightpride 

Kion went over to where Baylio would normally sleep 


Kion:Where is he?

So Kion went to find Nirmala


Kion:Where is everyone?

Kion:I wonder if Ullu would know

So Kion went to the Mountian pass to find Ullu 


They was no answer

Kion:I wonder If Kopa is still here?


They was no answer

(Meanwhile with everyone else somewhere far away)

Rani:Ushari let us go!


Ushari:And if you dare try and leave me and Kenge will bite you!

Rani:What is it you want from us?

Ushari:I wanna take revenge for Kion killing Scar 

Rani:That happened a long time ago why are you bringing it up now?

Ushari:Cause it's his fault that Scar died same with Zira

Rani:I will never give up the tree of life!

Ushari:If you move I will give you another scar

Rani:Wait how do you know about my first one?

Ushari:Cause I can see it it's not exactly hidden

Rani felt sad and scared 

Rani:Just Ushari please whatever you do don't hurt my cubs their only young kill me but not the cubs 

Ushari:No! Any family or friend of Kion I wanna kill

Reirei:Hahaha!look at them their so weak!

Bunga:Quiet ReiRei!

Kirburi:You keep quiet honey badger 

Binga:Bunga im scared 

Kirburi:And don't even think about using a stink on us Bunga we're so used to it by now that we don't care 

(Back with Kion)

Kion:What do I do?

Kion walked over to a hill to talk to his grandfather 

Kion:Grandfather Mufasa?

Mufasa:Yes Kion?im here!

Kion:I'm worried everyone seems to be missing and I'm not sure where they are 

Mufasa:Do you think Ushari has something to do with this?

Kion:Grandfather you don't think?

Mufasa:Yes Kion!

Kion:What do i do?

Mufasa:If you believe in yourself you can defeat Ushari

Mufasa faded away into the clouds 

Kion:I should ask Askari if the roar can help

(Back with everyone else)

Kenge:Look at them they so weak*laughing*

Rani:We're not weak we won't stop till your gone!

Ushari:We'll see about that!

(Back with Kion)


Askari:Greetings Kion!

Kion:Well Ushari is back and I was thinking of using the roar but I don't wanna kill everyone 

Askari:The roar is very powerful so when you use it you need to have very good aim 

Kion:How do I do that?

Askari:I'll tell you!

(Back with everyone else)

Azzad:This is ridiculous!

Fuli:I know I just want this to be over 

Fuli:Ono any ideas?


Ono:No sorry I'm not sure 


Beshte:I could always try and knock them but Ushari and Kenge might bite me

Fuli:I could always make them dizzy!

Beshte:Worth a try!


Ushari:Cheetah whatever your doing it ain't working 

(Back with kion)

Askari:Well done Kion!

Kion:Thank you!

Askari:Here you stand on the edge of earth and sky

You can command them both if you try
Look within, you may find even more
As you learn the power of the Roar

The power of the
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways you've never seen before
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think you've found it all
You'll find there's still much more

Free yourself from anger and from fear
The control that you seek will be clear
Though the Roar goes far beyond wind and sound
It can impact everything all around

The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways you've never seen before
The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think you've found it all
You'll find there's still much more
The power of the Roar

(Back with everyone else)

The cubs started crying 

Raja:Mom I'm scared!

Rani:Don't worry cubs everything will be ok*Comforting them*

Then Kion came back



Kion:Ushari leave now!


Kion:You asked for it!


So Kion roared everyone away

Rani:Well done Kion!*Nuzzles*

Kion:Thanks Rani!

Rani:Come on everyone you're all safe now!

Everyone*long live the king!

So everyone started to cheer but Kion was still worried knowing that Ushari was still out they

Rani:I think it's time to sleep don't you think?

Kion:Good idea im tired

Rani:Night everyone!

Everyone:Night your majesties 

So Kion and Rani walked into the tree so settle down and they both knew it was soon time to defeat Ushari once and for all 

The lion guard season 7Where stories live. Discover now