Birthday party

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It was a brand new day at the tree of life and Kion and Rani and the cubs were fast alseep when Kion suddenly woke up and remembered something 

Kion:Wait today is Raja and Sawa's birthday!I better wake up Rani 

So Kion gave Rani a nudge 

Kion:Rani *Whispers*

Rani:Yeah Kion?*Whispers*

Kion:Remember what's today?

Rani:Oh yeah of course it's the cubs birthday we need to get everything prepared 

Kion:Let's stay quiet and get everything ready!

Rani:Ok I'll get Makini to watch cubs just in case 

Kion:Ok and I'll go get started!


So Rani went over to the vines to find Makini 

Rani:Hey Makini!

Makini:Yeah Rani!

Rani:Makini!Shh! The cubs are sleeping 

Makini:Oh sorry Rani!

Rani:It's ok at least they didn't wake up

Makini:Anyway what is it you need Rani?

Rani:Well it's the cubs birthday today and we're doing them a surprise party and we need to get it all prepared so can you keep the cubs with you while we go get set up?

Makini:Of course Rani!

Rani:Thanks Makini!

So Kion and Rani went of set up Raja and Sawa birthday

While they were walking around they saw the day pride on patrol 

Bunga:Hey Kion!Hey Rani!

Kion:Hey Bunga!

Bunga:You coming on patrol Kion?

Kion:sorry not today Bunga it's the cubs birthday and we are setting up they birthday for later 

Bunga:Ok!Can I help?


Rani:Actually day pride can you try and gather everyone for the party tonight?

Fuli:Sure Rani!

So the day pride went to gather everyone while Kion and Rani were sorting out the party 

While the day pride were walking around the gather everyone they saw the Mountian goats 

Fuli:Hey Mountian goats!down here!

Mountian goat leader:Yeah Fuli?

Fuli:Kion and Rani are doing a party for they cubs later and want everyone around the tree of life to be they 

Mountian goat leader:Of course Fuli we will be they!

Fuli:Thanka guys 

So the day pride carried on patrolling around when they came across the penguines 

Pinguino:Hello Fuli!

Fuli:Hello Pinguino!

Pinguino:How are you?

Fuli:good but later tonight we need you at the tree of life as it's Kion and Ranis cubs birthday tonight 

Pinguino:Of course we will be they and happy birthday from us to them  

Fuli:Thank you Pinguino!

So the day pride carried on to tell animals about the party

While the day pride were walking they saw Binga eating bugs

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