XD I Don't Even Know

365 16 15

~I found this one while surfing the Internet. It looked interesting so... Here us go!~

Aries: Lovable but still a little bitch

Taurus: Cute, but probably sacrifices hamsters to satan in their free time

Gemini: Crayola as fuck

Cancer: Rude as hell and not to be trusted with shit

Leo: The cutest person ever

Virgo: Really deep and doesn't take any shit

Libra: Weird as hell

Scorpio: Probably Satan

Sagittarius: Cute and very sweet

Capricorn: To be avoided because they're like Taurus but they probably talk about their hamster sacrifices

Aquarius: Charming but hella strange once you get to know them

Pisces: Even more crayola than Gemini

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