Comatose part 1

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Crushed. Overwhelmed. Miserable. Alone.

"Go home and get some rest Diana,  I'll watch over her tonight."  That voice....  "Are you sure George? But you have work tomorrow."  Mom.... "Of course, she's my step daughter.  You both come before my work."   Bull.   Moments of silence passed before the sound of high heels left the area.  A chair beside me was slightly moved before being sat in.
"How does it feel Y/n?  It must be peaceful to not have to lift a finger for anything."  George's venomous words were directed at me like they always were.  

"Guess what your mom and I did."
I obviously can't respond,  so why both continuing you seedless spawn of the devil?  "We went to the amusement park.  We even went on The Golden Crown.  You know,  the one that was your favorite ride?"   The heart monitor next to me beeped a little faster at the mention of that ride.  "Oops,  I'm sorry.  That was the one you had your accident on, wasn't it?"  His words were like stones being thrown at me.    "At least she knew how to fasten herself to the seat.  Oh that's right,  yours just so happened to be faulty."   Stop it.   "Well,  this just means you're one less obstacle in my way.   What's in store for Diana.... I guess we'll have to wait and see.   It may be a quick solution,  unlike yours.  You're both weak,  so it shouldn't take too long.  That inheritance will be mine soon enough,  then I won't have to play this pitiful game of house with you.  My darling daughter will marry into a wealthy family and I can take over your family business."
Since when did George have a daughter?  From what I know he didn't have any kids.    The sound of him standing up and walking away fill the tense atmosphere,  leaving me with a few words "Don't worry my sweet Sadie,  daddy's coming home."

"Well isn't he peachy."
I don't recognize this voice.  I can't even describe it. There is no way I can do anything about this mystery person,  so I'll just listen.   Why is it all quiet now?
"Y/n M/n Wyndon.  Female, 23 years old,  e/c eyes, h/c hair... Currently in a state of Comatose as of 2 years since amusement park ride accident."  I honestly don't know how to feel about this.
The smell of burnt candy tickled my nose as he began to wander around the room.   It reminded me of the days my mom, dad and I would go to fairs.  The memories of caramel corn, funnel cake, and every sweet treat possible flashed before me through the darkness.  I remember Gibby,  the cute hippo doll my dad won at a stall for me.
George will never be able to measure up to him.
For the first time in so long I was able to take a deep breath on my own,  wishing for that nostalgic carnival feel I had as a kid.  It's strange how this triggers my inner child.     The presence was gone as soon as it arrived,  leaving me alone to drown in my empty thoughts.

Who was that guy? Does he work with candied sweets?  Why were his movements so quiet?
I have so many more questions that won't get any answers if I stay like this.   Being stuck like this makes me feel insufficient.  How does someone stuck in a coma wake up?   I need to stop thinking or I'll end up with a headache.   Ok,  maybe I can assess the situation without migraines.
I can hear clearly and somewhat figure out the layout of the hospital room,  thanks to the doctors and nurses doing stuff in here of course.
I can taste the liquid food they feed me which isn't all to flavourful.  I have a more prominent sense of smell,  hence the burnt candy.  I can't feel much of my limbs,  laying in bed doesn't help.   What could possibly be holding me back?   Maybe it's motivation.  Mom has been my sole motivation, so shouldn't I be awake by now?   I need to wake up.

Days slowly ticked away as I waited and waited.
The mysterious man didn't return after that one day,  but that's ok.  Time went on without him visiting.
Mom and George took turns keeping an eye on me,  George being the one to spit venom and leave after he knew mom was gone.   I don't understand why she stays with the snake.  Does she even know about his daughter by now?  Once I wake up I'll tell her everything I know about George, then mom and I can ditch him and keep him from what he is after.   It's becoming much easier for me to twitch my finger.  The moment it started my mom was in tears,  peppering me with kisses with absolute joy.

My mental party was cut short.
The familiar scent of burnt candy filling my senses.
He came back.

Here is chapter one for this LJ x reader!
This will drag on through the rest of October and part of November for Halloween,  that is until I finish it.  

I would like to say a massive thank you to my small but very important team or Proof Readers,  they have been helping me with this and other books.


I will mention them in a future upload,  but show them some love in the comments.
Thank you guys so much💗💗💗.

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